Saturday, November 15, 2008

Woo hoo

Yesterday was our first outing in a week. Everything is healing up nicely and we can close the chapter on Chicken Pox. (We will see how effective the vaccine was for B. If he gets them, it should be middle part of this week.) J had his blood drawn yesterday for his bloodwork for allergies. He did not even flinch when they stuck the needle in. It took about 30 seconds for him to start crying and then it did not last very long. The test is a lot more specific than the one we had for B (instead of listing just cheese, it listed some of the different kinds of cheese). Maybe down the road I will have it done on B again.
J has started taking off his diaper when it is dirty. Which is a good thing, but a bad thing when you are in another part of the house and he shows up naked. Fortunately I have yet to have a big mess to clean up.
I was unloading groceries yesterday. As I brought another load in from the car B greeted me at the front door. "Mom, I am just so frustrated with you. So frustrated and I don't know what I am going to do with you." I don't even remember what the issue was, but nothing major. This past week has been a grim reminder of how I speak to the boys, especially in my frustration or anger. Not too long ago we were memorizing a Bible verse a week. One of them was "a soft answer turns away wrath". Another one was "children obey your parents for this is pleasing to the Lord". While we were memorizing them, B and I often would get into a verse showdown. I would raise my voice and he would say "Mom, a soft answer turns away wrath." To which I would reply "Children obey your parents". I have now told B to help me again and remind me of the soft answer verse. Thank goodness for little kids and helping to keep us honest and in line. We were in the grocery store recently and I often times will buy crackers, etc and open the box and let the kids eat them while we are shopping. However, with the bulk stuff, I am trying to teach B that you don't eat any of it until you pay for it (because you buy by weight) or it is stealing. Now he reminds me that we don't eat anything in the store until you pay for it or it is stealing.

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