Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Fall is slowly rolling in!  The boys have been in school for a month and I have yet to get their 'back to school' picture.  

Things have been pretty quiet with the boys.  Jacob has football every day after school and then he works Sunday afternoons.  Several weeks ago he chipped a small bone in his hand.  Due to the location and nature of the injury, they could not really splint it in such a way that he could continue to play in football games.  So he is sidelined, but hopefully might get clearance just before the last game of the season.  He is still going through all the drills and footwork, but has been discouraging for such a small injury to sideline him totally.  It should heal on its on though!  He has decided he will play basketball, so that will start just after football ends.  He also gets his driver's license tomorrow!  Hard to believe!  Given the crazy car market and some other car issues we have had, he is going to drive Benjamin's old Mazda.

Not sure if I mentioned but Benjamin bought a new truck (with cash - yay).  He is currently working out at the airport, just trying to put some money back.  He is committed to helping a friend move snow this winter.  After that, not sure any plans.  He would love to move out but the rental market is still nuts here!  I anticipate things will look very different for him 6 months from now.

Joseph is currently doing a basketball academy once a week and I think is planning on playing basketball this winter.  He and I go to the gym most days after school.  He is just putting his head down and crushing 7th grade!

JR is moving into a slower season, before the snow comes in November.  Hunting season (bow) is here.  JR and Jacob are both geared up to get an animal and there is talk of maybe Joseph, but not sure.  I am trying to empty out our freezers so we have room for any game that comes home!

I am still in a lull with work.  Trying to get some financial coaching going but I have stalled out.  Just need some motivation.  My mom has been here all summer and it has been wonderful.  She leaves on Friday, back to Ohio.  Will miss her for sure!

Just a few pictures below.  We attended our fall festival and they have a free lunch and they roast pigs the night before.  Always cool to see their cooking set up. I jump at the chance anytime I can to get a picture of Benjamin!  Jacob and I after a shutout (we lost 63-0) but it was cool because they got to play at the university stadium.  Joseph and my mom's dog, Bingo.  Jacob and one of his best buds (Jacob is in green jersey!) 

Saturday, September 10, 2022

 Another outing we took this summer, a boat tour of a nearby canyon.

A few other outings we have had:  Saw Tarzan in live performance and saw the musical Sound of Music.