Monday, May 6, 2019

Time has slipped away, once again!!

It has been relatively quiet around here.  JR and Jacob made the trip to Utah for a few days!  They had a great time but was frustrated by quite a few roads being closed and the river too high to hike the narrows.  So, another trip will have to be planned at some point!  Benjamin, Joseph and I hung close to home over Easter.  I was in the thick of my face cream adventure.

I used the cream for 21 days and it was not nearly as bad as I expected.  Everything was normal for about 11 or 12 days, then it started getting more red and noticeable.  However, it was not until probably day16 or 17, that heads started turning.  And around the time I finished it, it was really bad.  Once I was done with the medicine, I bought some aloe vera plants and lathered on the aloe vera multiple times a day.  Once my face started healing, it healed pretty quickly.  Most of the spots are very light red, hardly noticeable.

I have a new appreciation for those that live with permanent conditions/disfigurements on their face.  You can hide almost any other part of your body, but not your face.  I would look down and avoid eye contact when out in public and man, was that hard to do.  At one point, I was shopping and a lady and her 3 or 4-year-old daughter was checking out in front of me.  The girl kept looking at me and trying to get her mother's attention so she could look at me too.  The mother had taken a glimpse of me and was trying to distract/diffuse a possible situation.  Finally, the girl got so mad, she stomped her foot and said: "Mama, look at that lady".  I just laughed.  I think the mom made a comment along the lines of me having the chicken pox.

It was interesting because half of my face never responded to the medicine.  Here is a picture of when it was probably the worst.  Fortunately, it looked a lot worse than it felt.

Now, most of my freckles are gone and I do look different!  I took pictures throughout the journey and maybe one day will get them all uploaded!

We are on the downhill stretch with school.  About 4 weeks left!  All of the boys are doing well.  They are signed up for camps this summer so June and early July will be busy.  We will know soon if Benjamin made the cut off for driver's ed.  If he did not, we will have a very quiet summer.  I anticipate my workload to increase again to unlimited hours sometime around early June.  Joseph and I are headed to Ohio late May for my niece's high school graduation.

We are in work mode around the house.  We have talked for almost a year of things we need to fix and it is now in the works.  Because they are building the subdivision behind us, our property boundary changed.  They technically could have taken several feet of our back yard, but instead, they gave all the landowners some extra land.  So, we can push our fence back about 4 feet.  The question we have now is what to do with the yard.  We currently have trees that line our back fence.  If we move the fence back, that 4 feet of grass is really useless with the island of trees just in front of it.  Too expensive to replant the trees/bushes.  So, we are looking at options.  Would be really nice to plant trees along the new fence line and gain more useable grass/space.

That is about all that has been happening.  Enjoying the spring weather and have finally put away the snow gear!!!