Saturday, May 30, 2020

So, this began on 5/5. Sad that they are finally building right behind us.

Have been so impressed with the stuff Benjamin has done in wood shop this year. I sure wish we had a bigger garage so they could all get easier more hands on experience with all of the saws. I imagine all the stuff they could create and possibly sell.  I love the laser cuts.  I hope he will get the hands/battery pack on the clock!!

You can see the antlers on each side of the handle below.  This is a nice sturdy stool!

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Jacob has been hitting the skate park recently, and getting pretty good!

(For those that can't see it, go to  It is very impressive.

The top video is a triple tail whip, where he uses his foot to kick the scooter 3 full rotations.

The second video is called a finger whip, its a full circle and he uses his middle finger to swing the deck around.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Mid May!!!!  Our state has begun to return back to normal and no spikes in our Covid numbers!  I have a mask, but yet to wear it!  Not that I am opposed to it....  I don't know where I fall in all the different camps.  I guess a little bit of everything.  Yes, we need to be cautious, yes there is probably too much government overreach....  Actually, we are pretty laxed compared to other states! 

The first month or so we managed to take daily walks and just get out.  Here we are doing a multiplication worksheet, to see who finished first.  The winner was Jacob (I intentionally did not play because I knew I was the quickest)

The boys had been without haircuts!!!

We painted rocks one day.  The boys grumbled about it, but sure seemed to enjoy it!

He was thrilled with this picture, but it was taken as he was walking out the door to get a haircut. He has hair very similar to Jose's, thick, course and wavy.

We also did some challenges.  The younger two and I did a cheese ball challenge to see who would be the first to put 15 in their mouth.  Of course, being the oldest with the biggest mouth, I won.  Benjamin and Joseph put lemons in their mouth to see who would last the longest and Joseph blew older brother out of the water.  We also got a cup and straw and drank through the straw as the water dispenser from the fridge filled cup with water.  The object was to see who could drink the longest before water started spilling over the top!  Again, because I drink about 100 ounces of water a day, I won!!!

Most days we found ourselves in our corner of the house doing our thing, but always seemed to find common ground each day.  We persevered way better than I ever would have thought possible.  I sure got use to having them around and now it is weird as everyone is getting out more.

Benjamin is in his second week of work and so thankful to be back.  One of the pluses of Benjamin doing school stuff at home was his baking labs for Culinary.  He made garlic knots and they were pretty good!

Kids are wrapping up school work within the next 2 weeks.  I will be very glad to be done with online schooling.  They all pick up school supplies, etc this week.  None of them are allowed in the building, so teachers have cleaned out lockers and then we will 'drive thru' to pick up stuff.  Lots of questions about what things will look like in the fall.  Seems like there are several options that could play out, depending on how things look early August.  The current plan is to have regular school calendar.  I know the local university just decided to start the fall semester 2 weeks early so they can end the day before Thanksgiving.  Makes a lot of sense, other wise every one goes home for Thanksgiving and then comes back for 2 weeks.  With cold weather, everyone is indoors and I guess more likelihood something will be passed around.   Our district tends to start around the same time, so who knows. 

It does appear that most sports camps are cancelled this summer.  Joseph is lined up for a week long overnight camp this summer.  They are hoping to still have that, but again, things are staying pretty fluid.

I have continued to work about 30 hours each week.  Our gym opens tomorrow, but we won't be having classes, just work at your own pace workouts.  The whole quarantine they have had at home workouts and I have probably moved more during the last 2 months than I ever moved while gym was open.

Things have been quiet with JR, but should start picking back up fairly soon.  All of his clients have been holed up so none of them are around.  He has connected with a ranch manager and will begin hunting snakes at a nearby property.  In the past he has hunted snakes in exchange for hunting privileges but there are already too many hunters on the property, so he is actually getting paid for it.  I think it is mostly bull snakes and rattle snakes.  Jacob is looking forward to the experience too.  (And yes, they have chaps and other snake equipment)