Sunday, April 9, 2023

 Another month down!!  Can't believe it is April and Easter today.  He is Risen!!

Had a great day.  I wanted to catch the sunrise service at the ski resort but couldn't convince the family.  So we attended the annual Easter breakfast at our church, church service then we drive 45 minutes to a BBQ place for lunch.  The weather was beautiful!  Probably the nicest day we have had since November.  

It has been a brutal winter.  Long, cold and lots of snow.  About 2 weeks ago we got a dump of about 13 inches.  Everyone is ready for some shorts weather!!

Jacob has put in his 2 weeks notice at his job where he has been for a year.  He has some other irons in the fire, so will be fun to see where he ends up by the time school is out.  He is at the school at 6:30am most days of the week, with football and basketball workouts.  He is putting lots of time in the gym and man, that kid is getting strong.  He is really working on his vertical jump and his core strength.  He can now, being 5 ft 9, jump up and touch the rim of the 10 foot hoop.  He told me today that he should be able to do the light pole core manuever soon....I think he is referring to where he goes horizontal to the ground with his legs straight out, holding onto a pole.  I love to see his dedication.

Benjamin has started working at another restaurant.  He has also found a 'tribe' of guys/men to hang out with, so it is nice to see him out of the house more than he is in the house.  He is planning some weekend traveling this summer and fall, so trying to save up his money.

Joseph is glad that the snow at the skate park has melted.  With me working weekdays, it will be a struggle to get him out of the house and active.  He is at a hard age because there are not a lot of 'camps' for that age and they are not old enough to drive.

JR is hopefully done with roof snow shoveling.  I don't even know the hours he has put in on the roofs this winter.  There are so many roofs with leaks, from all the snow, freezing, melting, freezing.  And now we jump quickly into the 60s so I expect some local flooding.

I am still 40 hours a week and really enjoy it!  I like it when the younger employees invite me into their life, by sending me random Easter texts, or sending me pictures of their gender reveal, or telling me about their modeling gigs.  Just fun to connect with a different generation.  I am gearing up for a small garden this year.  Years ago I planted one and it turned out okay, but now there is so much more information online, that I find myself researching a lot.  I have always wanted to try a compost bin, so gonna start that this week too.  We have also gotten passports for Joseph and Jacob.  Hoping for a trip this fall.

We recently caught the Northern Lights.  I saw them years ago when I lived in North Dakota and have waited for another chance.  It was spur of the moment but I got JR, Benjamin and Joseph to head out with me one night.  They were amazed.  2 pictures are below.  Benjamin used a shutter exposure on his phone and was able to catch more color than what was visible to the naked eye.  The streak in the sky is a phenomenon they call STEVE.  

Here is a picture this morning from church breakfast.  Someone commented yet again how different they all look, and I agree.  It is weird to see Benjamin with longer hair than Jacob.