Thursday, November 28, 2019

Thankful for margin in my days right now (knock out back burner projects)
Thankful for Roku and the NFL (for the first time ever we can watch games live and it has been so fun hanging with the boys)
Thankful for our families incredible health
Thankful for our Florida cousins who moved here in July
Thankful that we live in a first world country, with all its conveniences (although going without sure would be a great reminder of what we do have)
Thankful for laughter, which is making its way back into our house
Thankful for our dining room table, we have been spending more time there as a family lately
Thankful for my warm fuzzy socks
Thankful for ability of flight, which makes miles between Texas and Ohio disappear
Thankful for my tech savvy oldest son, who answers all my questions
Thankful for a job that literally allows me the ability to work whenever I want to
Thankful for snow shovels
Thankful for required driving hours for Ben, means great one on one time with him, without screen distractions
Thankful for the ability to check school grades online
Thankful for JR's wonderful clients and all the work they provide
Thankful for heat with all of our early sub zero weather
Thankful for my kitchen food scale, that keeps my eating on track most days
Thankful for the independence of the boys
Thankful for my electric blanket
And can't forget the biggest one, a God who loves me despite myself.  My favorite quote right now is by Jonathan Edwards and sums it up best "you contribute nothing to your salvation except the sin that made it necessary"!

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Benjamin had an appointment with an oral surgeon.  Just crazy with technology!  The assistant held a small pen like thing that scanned his mouth and then gave us this picture.

He has like 6 teeth on top and 8 on bottom that do not even meet, he cant bite through food.

Looks like the procedure they want to do would be to insert 4 plates in his top jaw.  I think they would crack it open and insert them to expand the upper jaw forward.  What we did not realize, is that before the surgery can be done, he must wear a full set of braces for at least 9 months and have his wisdom teeth out!  We are waiting to see what insurance will cover!

Jacob too has a lot of dental work ahead of him.  He has four crowns on his 6 yr old molars (the teeth came in without enamel and quickly rotted before we even realized it.  So, since he has zero room for his teeth, the ortho has decided the best plan is to pull the capped teeth (since they will probably only create lots more problems, with root canals and replacing crowns) and then use the wisdom teeth as secondary molars.  He also has 4 baby teeth on the bottom that have been ground down pretty low.  They still have huge roots, so something weird is going on with them since the roots are not shrinking, in anticipation of loosing them.  So, those for need to get pulled.  By pulling 8 teeth, hopefully his teeth will start shifting and coming in.

Benjamin is officially registered for Europe June 2021.  They will be going to Paris, France and Barcelona and gone about 12 days!

I love little, out of the blue, surprises!  Recently I walked into the gym and one of my coaches asked me what size shoe I wore.  She went on to explain that her sponsor had sent her some lifting shoes and they did not fit her and was trying to find someone that might want them!  So she gifted them to me.  They are used for front and back squats and it is amazing how much they help!  Yay!  Hopefully I can hit some new PRs (personal records).  I have been doing a strength template.  I took 2 weeks off because I irritated a muscle, but all better and back on track.  They have an elevated stiff heel that allows better movement at the bottom of your squat.

A little late, but here is one of the pumpkins Joseph carved.  Cracked me up.

Friday, November 1, 2019

More Benjamin pics.  I guess when he actually lets us take a picture, I need to capitalize on it!!

I took him to the driving range recently.  He hit two buckets of balls.  He did not do too bad!  I think in the spring he might do a few group lessons.  Up here golf is a fall school sport, so if it clicks with him and he enjoys it, he would have 3-4 months to practice before trying out.  I am just excited to see him broadening his horizons.   It sounds like he will have a quiet winter and then possibly do track in the spring.  He is thinking maybe discus or shot put...maybe Kenna could give him a few pointers??

The boys all had orthodontist appointments recently.  The oldest two are presenting lots of problems.  Jacob has so many baby teeth still and no room for them to come in.  We go back in 4 weeks and he will probably have to have 4 teeth pulled, in hopes of it encouraging other teeth to come in. has been two years since his last visit and one thing we were waiting for was his growth and how his jaw grew.  It seems that from his profile his bottom jaw did not grow out too much, but that his top jaw (what is that called, cause its not a jaw is it??) did not grow enough.  So, we are being referred to a surgeon.  There are other steps we could take, but nothing will totally correct the problem.  Seems if we leave it as is, it can create lots of sleep apnea and bite problems years down the road.  I did not realize it, neither did Benjamin until the ortho pointed it out, but his four front teeth or so do not meet up.  We even headed for pizza after the appt and sure enough, when he puts a piece of pizza in the front of his mouth, his front teeth can just barely bite through the crust because there is such a gap between top and bottom teeth.

These pictures are terrible quality, because of low light, but I have to take them when I come across them.  We have had some tired boys lately and for some reason, they love to curl up in our bed.

Benjamin and I recently took a day trip to Billings to see a Fluffy concert.  He is a comedian that Benjamin really enjoys.  A good show!  We had a great time.  The weather was terrible, so what normally takes 2 hours to drive, took 3.5 hours.  But we made it back safely.  Saw 2 different semis off the road and they had closed the road to semis, unless they had on chains. 

We have already had 3 snow falls and been below zero.  I hope it is not an indication of what winter will be like!

Halloween was pretty mellow this year.  I think because it was so cold, many opted for indoor activities.  Joseph went with a neighborhood kid, Jacob hung out with two friends and Benjamin had football stuff going on.