Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Yes, I got the lovely reminder from my has been 7 days since I last posted!

Soccer is over! Jbird scored a goal on the last game of the season! Yea Jbird.

The boys recently had fire safety week at school. Always a great time to go over our fire stuff at home. The two older boys are all lined out on what to do. The had me test our smoke alarms. We even pulled out the fire escape ladders. They both practiced going down the ladder three times. I wanted to practice going down with JB, but being I was the only adult around at the time, figured I would err on the side of safety. So thankful our firefighters go into the schools once a year to talk with all the kids.

The parts of my bed are quickly disappearing. Seems that 8 -10 years is the life span of linens and bedspreads. My beloved bedspread is gone and my most favorite down comforter now has a hole in it. I am glad one of the boys brought it to me before feathers, lots of feathers, got all over the place. One set of our sheets now has been throw away because I found holes in them. Thankfully it appears to be the type of holes that are worn and not cut - like one of my kids will do from time to time.

The younger two got to take costumes to school today. JB has 4 other boys in his class. I found it cool that between the 5 of them, they had a fireman, policeman, batman, superman and spiderman. All 5 heroes represented. Here is a picture his teacher sent me. Too hilarious. Not sure how she got that exact look.

Opportunity finally presented itself for me to teach a huge lesson to one of the boys. I only took two of them out this evening. One got left behind and did not get to go trick or treating. Have been having some issues and some minor things happened today. Knowing all too often I threaten things or forget about certain consequences, I followed through today and left him at home with JR. He was very upset but then handled it very well. He was very surprised when I told him how much we missed him and his enthusiasm and energy. He told me he learned a lesson and now I can always go back to that specific incident in letting them know I will follow through, even if I don't want to.

JR has not seen anything out hunting. Hopefully the weather will cool down and we will get some more mountain snow to bring the animals lower down.

Off to bed. Will try to get some more pictures soon to appease my nieces :-)

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The week has gotten away from me - not that there has been a lot to write. Pretty humdrum days, which are really nice.

We have had our last soccer practice, just waiting for the last soccer game this Sunday. So nice to come home after school and stay home. Lots of time after school for reading, homework, games, popcorn, hot chocolate.

We had our first snowfall last night. Just enough to cover everything. I love going up to the school and seeing all the big snowballs/snowmen. We are only 2 weeks into cold weather and gloves are already going missing! Given that we live in a cold climate, where it is winter a good 4 or 5 months, it amazes me how few homes have mud rooms. None of them are set up for places for gear.

The boys (I had JBs taken too, since he is at the preschool) have gotten their school pictures back. Two of them turned out great and the third...well, not so much. When you get the deer in the headlights look, big time, you really want a do over. Not sure that my child will 'do over'. Been trying to talk him in to it. Retakes are Nov 1st, so my time is disappearing!

Just drawing a blank, so won't go on any more! Seems my blog ebbs and flows. The flowing seems to have diminished.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Today the boys and I headed out to a hay maze. I did not get any pictures in the maze - too busy trying to keep up with the boys, but got a few others.

They had a huge bin of corn kernels for kids to play in. (We found a handful in JB's diaper when we got home - no wonder he was complaining about his bum hurting when he sat.)

They all loved being buried!

JB really liked the little train, so he and I took a ride.

This is a picture of what the maze looks like from the air. (I have decided, whether corn or hay, I just get a headache and dizzy inside of them all - walking around and around in circles.)

JB wanted me to take a picture of him with 'no hands' on the train.

Hunting season starts tomorrow. Hopefully this time tomorrow night we will have an elk hanging in our garage!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

B has had his mouth appliance now for a few weeks. The orthodontist actually has not even started tightening it yet. Well, wouldn't you know, we had to go to his office yesterday because it was broken! The appliance fits into the roof of his mouth. Then he has a wire on each side that runs behind the teeth and up toward the front. The wires then bend slightly around and stop - nothing really visible. The other night, JB was flinging his little blanket and flicking it at B. The end of the blanket just caught B's mouth and the blanket got stuck on the wire (go figure). Of course JB had no idea, so he pulled the blanket back and bent the wire all up. It was hanging in the middle of his mouth, making eating difficult. The ortho was actually out of town but an assistant was able to remove the whole appliance and now we are waiting to see if the ortho thinks it will be strong enough once it is bent back, or if another one has to be made. I just laugh...who gets a blanket caught on a mouth wire!?

B recently brought home some of his school work - poems actually.

One is titled Pets.
I have an iguana. He likes to go in the sun.
I have an iguana. My iguana likes to have fun.

I have a Komodo Dragon, he likes to ride a motorcycle
I have a Komodo Dragon, he likes to ride a unicycle.

I have a Killer whale, he likes to bite.
I have a killer whale, he doesn't like to write.

I have a bobcat, he likes to shout.
I have a bobcat, he likes to pass out.

Another one titled Blue
What is blue, what is blue
The ocean is blue, like the gleaming sky

What is blue, part of my bed is blue.
I sleep on it every night.

What is blue? The sea, my shirt, the lines on my paper
My friend's shirt is blue, part of the U.S. flag is blue
Do you like blue?

The third graders also had a native american artist visit their classrooms recently. B came home with all kinds of stories, interesting facts about art, etc. He is really enjoying creating, writing, etc. I love to see my kids flourish and grab hold to something that interests them. His teacher tells me that B's questions always drives her mini lessons in school.

He loves to listen to a local Christian radio station. Since we live in a smaller community, we don't get lots of concerts passing through town. However, there is a Christian Christmas tour coming to town. I am so excited to take B (maybe Jbird?) to hear/see one of his favorite groups. And at Christmas time....I love the Christmas music!

Tomorrow and Friday the kids have off school - statewide teacher conference! I am hoping for some sleeping in!

Monday, October 15, 2012

one of my boys has finally taken an interest in musical instrument. It is one of the biggest regrets I have, not continuing with my piano or other musical pursuits. I have a guitar, keyboard and harmonica, that if I focused on, could probably be decent, at least I would like to think so. I did have a grandmother that taught piano for years, so I like to think it is hidden somewhere in my genes.

Anyway, some teenagers at our church play with the worship team. One of them is starting to work with B a little bit. If nothing else, would love it if he would learn some rhythm.

JB scored his first goal during a soccer game yesterday. JR and I both saw it and he was so pumped. Then we came home and pulled out his "Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons Book". He started reading. His teacher has really helped him in school and I was amazed at how quickly he was picking it up. He was so stoked when he realized he was able to 'read'.

I pulled out the boys' journals. It was originally my intent to write periodically in each of their journals. Yes, there is online but there is something about someone's own handwriting. It had been a while since I had written in them. JB's last entry was dated Oct 10, 2011 - almost 1 year to the day. My entry for the day was excitement that he now had 10 words!!!! Look where he is now! Sometimes it is hard to see the progress when you are in it day to day, but looking at the journal, he is doing awesome.

Off to grab the kids...our last week of 4 days of soccer practice! Woot!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Well, I decided to call the manager of the pizza place. I just could not get over my experience there. I am very glad I did. She was so, so appreciative. She was even able to guess who the employee was that had made those statements to me. She said when I called she was sitting there trying to figure out how she was going to keep her staff because sales were down. Now she knows why sales were down, because an employee was giving stuff away. I made sure to follow up with my boys to let them know I had called and how grateful the manager was.

JB can now say his name, minus the first sound. He is so proud of himself when you ask him his name.

Here are pictures from a recent soccer game (B had a bye, so only Jbird played)

And here is one of JB...he is so photogenic.....

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Several months ago I finally got rid of my beloved blanket/bedspread. I love blankets. It is probably one of the few things that I certainly have too much of. But I ditched the blanket after 10 years because it was literally falling a part. Instead of buying something new for the bed, I went to the closet. There was a nice big white quilt that will do the job. Thinking it would not stay white for long, I put it on and hoped for the best.

As I grabbed it off the bed yesterday morning to wash it, I thought...this has stayed pretty clean. That was until I washed it. As I opened the dryer door, I instantly saw it. Black, all over the blanket. Then I saw the culprit. A black crayon. Now this was the second load of laundry I had done. Somehow a crayon got mixed up with the blanket and sheets as I tossed them in. I considered trying to clean it based on something I found on google, but there was too much of it. Fortunately I was on the phone with a friend who has a 'thankful' blog. Instead of getting mad, I realized at least it was not a load of shirts, pants, etc. It was only one sheet and a blanket, and one that was not real sentimental to me.

Yesterday we had a very weird experience at a restaurant. We don't go out to eat much, maybe once/twice a month, but there is a local pizza place that has a dinner buffet a few times a week. So, we headed over there. From the car I could see that there was no pizza out on the buffet. I sent B in to ask if they have their buffet tonight - he nods his head yes and we walk in. I always forget what their kid ages/prices are for the buffet. So I told him it would be 2 adults and I can't remember the ages but the kids are 3, 5 and 8. He (probably a high school guy) says, "As far as I am concerned, if they are shorter than me, they are free." Then realizing I did not get charged for the boys pizza, figured I would let them get a drink (versus the usual water). The boys grabbed Gatorade out of the cooler. Upon seeing the Gatorade, the guy said "I am just gonna charge you for a drink because I think it is stupid for me to charge you $2.50 for a Gatorade". I headed to the table thinking he is either a disgruntled employee or not very smart - he had no clue who I was and for him to be selling the business short. Then a little later another young employee proceeded to show my boys how you can play air hockey free by pushing in the coin thing and kicking the side of the machine!! The whole time we were there they only brought out one pizza for the buffet. The guy was really nice but I am still bothered by his lack of respect for his job and employer. There is a part of me that wants to go back in there and let management/owner know. I definitely made it a point to tell the boys what a bad employee he was and just because someone showed him how to cheat the game, did not make it right by him doing it.

B has a spelling test every week and one of the best ways for us to practice is to do the words in the car. It is amazing how it is helping JB. He will sit back there and mimic every letter he says, rattling them off faster than his older brother.

Recently in music class, Jbird's teacher had them howling...not sure why but they had to imitate a wolf. So, that has been a recent sound around our house. Just today Jbird got going again, as we walked to the car after school. Pretty soon he had a neighborhood dog was so funny. Jbird would howl, the dog would howl, Jbird would howl, the dog would howl.

The boys were eating dinner last night and drinking smoothies. I had just given them their dark red/purple fruit smoothies. I turned my back and all of a sudden I heard JB crying and the other two boys started saying my name. I turned around. Poor JB was taking the first sip of his smoothie (he normally uses a straw but not this time) and the whole smoothie had slid down the cup and into his face. I so wish my camera had been close by. All you could see were his eyes. He was so stunned, he did not know what had happened. I managed to hide my laugh as I cleaned him up, but was glad to hear him laughing about it a few seconds later with his brothers.

My boys are finally starting to open their eyes to new food. The other night when B made taco meat, he did not realize it was taco seasoned ground turkey. He just kept talking about how good the meat was and if I would buy it again. I finally told him it was turkey - something he does not 'like'. Then we were at Costco recently and they were trying samples. Jbird tried and loved the vegetable sausage patties. There is hope yet!

All is quiet, so time for me to curl up in bed with a book - one of my favorite places as the weather gets colder!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Just 2 pictures for the day.

The boys are into piggy back rides....and JB/Jbird can now get into the action

Saturday, October 6, 2012

This morning the boys and I went to a football game. A friend of ours is on the froshmore (freshman/sophmore team). It was the first 'real' football game they have seen, with pads, etc. We got there immediately after a helmet to helmet collision. We sat there for 25 minutes and watched them backboard a player and haul him off. I was pretty nervous, because what limited medical experience I have, it is never a good sign when someone injured does not move - at all. However, as they wheeled him off he raised his hand...I still never saw his legs or feet move. B did make the comment that he never wanted to play football - which is fine by me! No word on the players injuries.

I loved at the football, JB was using so many words. He would say "Evan back in" or "Evan back out", referring to our friend we were watching. Just so fun to have him be a part of conversations now. I am amazed at some of the words that come out of his mouth - words I have never 'taught' him but he has 'caught' them.

Right now the boys are downstairs cooking. Guess they are tired of my cooking - yippee! B is cooking taco meat and Jbird made himself and JB a grilled cheese sandwich. Could I have a chef in the family? JR was working this afternoon and said he was going to bring home some grilled chicken, so I AM off the hook tonight!

I definitely have an artist. Jbird just loves to draw, paint, etc. He can sit at the table for minutes on end :-) and create. I wish we had more wall space to display all of their stuff.

Three more weeks of soccer. I am seriously thinking about the spring and baseball. Both boys want to play and I know, given the 'league' they will be in, one will have practice/have games on M/W and the other on T/Th. Don't know how things will work when we throw the youngest into the mix. We live in a town of about 10K and there are some days that I put 40 miles on the car and don't ever leave our little town.

The teachers at school are now ready for parent volunteers so I have signed up for both the kindergarten and 3rd grade - 1 hour, once a week. Fortunately both times are when JB is at preschool, so I can focus on the kids. I was in Jbird's class on Friday. I was blown away at the technology they use now. (I am sure it is not much to anyone else, but keep in mind I don't text yet...) The teacher has a projector so she can pull anything up on the computer and project it on to a screen for the whole class to see. On Friday, while the teacher was getting snack ready, she pulled up a video of someone famous reading a book. The teacher told me the other day the person reading the book was one of the actors from Lord of the Rings. The second the actor came up on the screen about half her class started shouting out who he was. I know my boys have not seen Lord of the Rings....I have one that gets incredibly scared in movies, so am very careful what we watch. Then during station time, four of the kids were working on computers. One of them asked me how to play a game and I was clueless. His teacher was also telling me how amazed she is with his puzzle-working glad both of my older boys seem to have that 'gene'.

Guess I need to go supervise dinner more closely.......

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Why, why, why....words I had forgotten about until a week or so ago. JB has finally hit the 'why' stage. Why Momma, Why. Who uz dat, Momma. I love those little questions. He has also started singing. Whenever music is on in the car, you can hear him trying to match up sounds. And for the first time, he was humming last night. I loved it!!!

B's cub scout pack is selling popcorn. This is the first year he has really taken an interest in getting out there and selling. We went out this past weekend and he walked up to the doors, did all the talking and selling. He has set a goal for himself and is almost half way there and he has a few more weeks to sell. It is neat to watch him gain the confidence to take control of unknown situations. I love teaching him about making eye contact, speaking loud and clear, always saying thank you whether they buy or not, etc.

Jbird went along with us, observing. I knew it was time to head home when he started playing in some tar. Had it all over his fingers and then proceeded to wipe them on his soccer shirt - ugh.

B and Jbird are also taking an interest in their Awana books this year and initiating learning the verses. So nice when mom does not always have to remind them!

We are trying to be very deliberate in what we eat for breakfast. Seems one of the boys is having a hard time focusing in school and the teacher and I are trying to see if more protein and fish oil will help. I was buying fish oil gummies that contained 82 mg of omega 3s in 2 gummies. I checked out flaxseed - a whopping 2400 mg in 2 tablespoons. So now I try to mix up a treat of peanut butter, flaxseed, protein powder, nutella, etc and get them to eat it (I love it with hemp hearts and almonds added). JB is about the only one that really loves it, but with some tweaking of ingredients, hoping to get them all on board. I have decided I am done buying snacks....have been finding too many granola bar wrappers, candy wrappers, etc under the bathroom sinks, under beds, in closets. So, the healthy homemade things will have to do!

Off to grab the kids from school....predicting possible snow tomorrow! I love sweatshirt weather.