Monday, September 29, 2008

An Awesome September

As we near the end of September, I think there has been one, maybe two days this month that have not been gorgeous. Fall is becoming my favorite season. I still like spring because it signals the coming of warmer weather but fall takes it for me. Just can't seem to get enough of the beautiful weather. Today I took a nap on the bed as the sun was streaming in through the open window!
More photos enjoying the weather!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

First Fish

Attached are pics/video of B catching his first fish. So begins the long standing race. B - 2, JR - 0

Oreo Cookie

I'm not sure who had more fun...J enjoying an Oreo cookie or B taking the pictures all by himself!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Boy stories

A friend asked me for a new B story. Seems like I always have something to retell regarding B and his articulation. I hear myself in him more and more. I did not think that was suppose to happen at 4 years old.
He was in his room for a quiet time and I was at the computer. I don't remember what he came out to 'talk' to me about but as he was going off, I had to cover my mouth to conceal my huge smile - he was just cracking me up. He looked at me and said "Do you think that is funny? Do you really think that is funny? Why do you think that is funny?" I finally said, "Yes I do" and then he began to smile. The last time I was updating the blog B and J were in the shower. B called me in there and I told him to hold on. He proceeded to call me a few more times but I was trying to get the pictures downloaded. Finally he appeared in the bathroom doorway and said "Mom, I have told you to come in here 3 times now and you have not come in here. Why have you not done what I asked you to? I have told you 3 times."
Today some friends were over with their kids. As everyone was getting ready to leave one mom was picking up a few last minute toys that the kids had missed. As B sat on the couch watching this, he turned to my friend and said very matter of factly "Beth, there are some over here", which was right next to where he was sitting! That got a big smile out of all of us.
J on the other hand. Time to shut the bathroom doors. He can now, standing on his tippy toes, just barely reach into the bathroom drawers and pull everything out. Funny he has not figured out how to put it all back. He also figured out how to climb on top of the bathroom counter. I asked him to show me how he did it and with a huge smile he did. The bad part is, he stands on the toilet paper holder, which I know will soon break. That will be a bad fall and he will get wedged in between the toilet and the counter. But the look of accomplishment on his face is precious. Too bad this is one stunt I have to put the kabosh on!
My healthy great niece made it into the world on Monday morning. All are well and we are awaiting pictures!
Gearing up for some more tennis and bike riding tomorrow. The days are cooling off and the snow will eventually be here!

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Had a great time in Billings at the Beth Moore conference. Forgot how nice it was to get away with other women and leave the kiddos behind for a while. The verses from the weekend were Isaiah 32:1-8, but we focused on verse 8. "A noble man makes noble plans and by his noble deeds he stands." A very interesting passage that I had not every looked at in depth. It was an encouragement for us to be noble (a "willing volunteer" is the meaning of the original hebrew word)and be a benefit for others.
Some quotes from the weekend that I really liked were:
1-Until we are in the kindgom, the kingdom is within us
2-We are not left here to be good but to be good for someone (if you are still alive-God is not done with you)
3-Enjoy the simple victories
4-We can't plan our circumstances but we can plan our faithfulness
5-Not everybody is called to be a speaker, but we are all called to speak
6-Are we going to be whimps or warriors for the army of God.
I could go on. She was really great speaker, very animated, witty, authentic. She only does about 10 events a year and she does a different talk for each one. She did not even know what she was going to talk about until God showed her this verse 3 weeks ago.
The boys and dad survived without me! But of course they were so glad to have me back home.
Tomorrow is suppose to be B's last 'treatment' with the chiropractor for his allergies. I still don't understand how it works but supposedly he has been resetting the nervous system. The Chiro has had some remarkable results with some other patients using the laser treatment for other things. So, I guess in the next couple of days we will reintroduce cheese and see how it goes. The hard thing is that he has such a delayed reaction to foods that it takes a week or two before you even symptoms (mainly congestion, snoring at night, etc).
Here are some pictures taken over the weekend! The boys looked so cute. In their khakis, denim shirts and jeans.
Oh, I just got a call - within the next 2-3 hours I should be a great aunt! I am not old enough to be a great anything. Jose's 15 yr old niece recently found out she was having a little girl!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

More fun

Hard to believe it is already mid week! The past 3 or 4 days we had a tent set up in the boys room and they loved it. The best part, J loved being able to get up in the morning by himself, instead of waiting for me to get him out of his crib. One morning I sent both boys downstairs to get breakfast while I stayed in bed. I had one huge mess to clean up when I finally made it downstairs.
AWANA is back on, they found a director - yeah! Looking forward to doing the books with Benjamin.
Played tennis on Monday and Wednesday. I am not sure how I will fill the afternoon time (while B is in preschool) once snow is on the ground! I sure love my time on the tennis court and the bike with J. On Monday I have invited all the preschool moms over - would like to get to know them better. I don't think there will be too many that come over but should be fun.
I am headed to Billings this weekend (Friday -Sat) for a Beth Moore conference with some women at the church. Will be nice to get away!
Not much else. Will try to post some more video soon!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Time marchs on

We are in the middle of another quiet weekend. Lots of outside time with the boys and their bikes and helmets.
The bedtime routine is working wonderfully and probably 8 out of 10 times the boys are both asleep by 8. I have actually brought the sewing machine out and am working on finishing up some long overdue projects. Oh to have time each evening to read, sew or I even watched a little bit of tv last week.
Last week I took B to see a Live Veggie Tales Show. He loves Veggie Tales and it is not often these kinds of venues come close to us. We were both so excited. The church was packed, the stage was set, there was a buzz in the room. The lights go out and B sits on the floor. We are sitting in pews and before I realized what had happened, he is laying underneath the pew in front of me. My child was scared and did not want to come out. I tried coaxing him with lollipops, no such luck. He stayed on the floor the whole first half (40 minutes). At one point I thought he had gone to sleep. Then at intermission I got him out and he loved the second half, up dancing, singing, etc. It was a really, really good show. I did not know what to expected but this far exceeded my expectations!
His AWANA has been cancelled. Seems they can't find a director for the Cubbies, so until one is found, no AWANA. Was really bummed because he enjoyed it so much. But he still has his preschool. I am hoping to invite all the moms over to the house soon to get to know them. Would love to have playdates with some non-church friends!
Off to run errands, just wanted to check in!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Man Cave and bikes

J climbed on B's bike today and low and behold, he can reach the pedals! B climbed on the big wheel we gave him when he turned 2 and was finally able to reach the pedals to comfortably ride it! J seems a lot longer, at least in the stride, than B was. Here are two pics.

Here is a video that I finally remembered to post.....

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Monday, September 8, 2008

Weather is great

A beautiful fall day here. The high was about 65, with a slight breeze. Last night the temp dropped to about 35. The aspen trees are starting to change colors.
Loaded the boys up in the bike trailer and headed to B's preschool. Then J got some park time in and I got an hour of playing tennis! He was so good and sat on the sidelines about half the time watching us (okay, he was eating his lunch too) but we were both very impressed how much he entertained himself. J and I found a 5 mile loop on the bike that does not require lots of intersections or stop signs! Just a perfect day for outdoor exercise.
Headed to the chiropractor. He is getting some new kind of laser on Friday that he is excited to use on the boys. Can really help with the allergies for B and should be able to run some testing on J. Was talking to him about B's allergies and he said an egg allergy is most likely a deficiency in Vitamin A. So, will be interesting to see how the boys respond!
Here are three pictures from the last week!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Tennis anyone...

I am sure the tennis tournament director is glad the weekend is over. There were 180 people that signed up to play, 52 more than last year. At the college they only have 4 indoor courts and 8 outside courts (with no lights). There was a rain delay all three days of the tournament. I had a lot of fun and learned that I don't move as fast as I use to and that my timing does not come back as quickly. I lost both my singles and doubles matches but certainly made my opponents work for a lot of the points. Because of the rain delays, the consolation matches (which were suppose to take place) ended up being cancelled. So, I am ready to get geared up for another tournament in Nov. Maybe then more of my game will be falling into place. I hope to also figure out my weekly schedule and sign up for a winter league. With winter being 6 months out of the year, sure wish they had more indoor courts. Because of the high demand, courts for non-members are $30 an hour! Year memberships are $550, not too much less than a season ski pass!
The boys are doing well. I think I have deciphered another of J's words. Whenever he wants something I hear a very high pitched "mine" of sorts. Not exactly one of the first words I want him to learn.
B is excited about another day of preschool. He is really getting into the mode of having conversations while he is playing by himself. It is so funny to listen to him and the things he says. Maybe sometime this week I can listen more closely and share them.
Off to get them ready for bed!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Fall Schedule has begun

B had a great first day of preschool and Awana. His comment over and over after preschool was "I had so much fun". It is nice because we are not real crafty at home and now he will be bringing home lots of papers, etc for his keepsake box. I hope to post some pictures soon.
After we dropped off B, J and I headed to the park. He played and I enjoyed some time in the grass. We then headed to the tennis courts, hit some balls. Just so nice not to be rushed. I sat for a while and watched J chase tennis balls. Then I went for a 30 minute bike ride. Just a beautiful fall day here!
I just checked the draw for the tennis tournament. My first doubles match is 8:30 Friday night and my first Singles match is 6pm on Saturday. Very strange schedule. I saw were some matches were starting at 10:30 Friday night. I guess they had lots more entrants than they anticipated. Just goes to show that maybe Bozeman needs a few more tennis courts in town.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Quiet Labor Day

We had a great time at our friends's house. It was nice to get away and enjoy some peace and quiet - however much peace and quiet you can have with 4 boys. They live on 20 acres and far enough away from the highway that you get no road noise. When we went to bed it was cool to see all the stars outside as we laid in bed. We don't get those views anymore
Not much happened over the weekend. I had planned on playing lots of tennis but waking up to 40 degree temps and rain did not allow for any tennis. Yes, we actually got snow in the surrounding mountains. Seems a little early, but it is September.
Tonight we head to B's school to see how classroom and teacher. Then it is off to school tomorrow. I think he is excited!
Other than that, not much going on this week. Trying to stay close to home as the gas is still high - 3.89. When it was at it's highest of 4.19, some friends from Bozeman went on a road trip. They said a town just a few hours from us had gas for 4.00. Not sure the difference but it does not seem to be dropping as fast around here.