Friday, March 29, 2013

The weather has been nice this past week. You forget how nice it is not to mess with coats before going outside. I think one of the few Easters I remember where there is not snow on the ground. Will make egg hunting fun. The boys have requested an egg hunt, an all over the house egg hunt!

We have been blessed once again with some very, very nice furniture that has been handed down to us. One of Jose's clients was upgrading their entertainment center so that they TV would raise up out of the console. So, they gave us their cast offs, which between the entertainment center and bookcase probably run close to $1,800. (There are some other pieces we are getting and going to sell....) So, this motivated me to spend a day this past week steam cleaning our current couches. In the 14 years we have had the furniture, I never once thought to take the cushion covers off and wash them. Brilliant idea! It is like we have nice furniture again - it matches our really, really nice furniture.

While JB was at therapy yesterday, I ran across a busy 5 lane street to the hardware store. I went to one aisle, got what I needed and ran back across the street. I got back and could not find my keys...anywhere. I spent 2 hours searching. I called a friend who came to help me. We made several trips back to the hardware store. One of the men who worked their grabbed one of their 'for rent' metal detectors and helped us look for 25 minutes. I had to cross a small culvert and there was lots of tall dead grass. I could not find the keys anywhere. They had just disappeared. I had a set at home, had extra keys made. Once I got home, I had the thought (from God as I had told Him many times He knew where my keys were)of a place in the car to look. I tore up the car before hand and was convinced they were not in the car. Sure enough, the one place, and very logical place, I did not look, was the cup holder of the car. They were found. At least it was a beautiful day and we met a really nice man at the hardware store. Only in Montana will they come out and help you look for your keys.

The boys have started a new routine. They enjoy taking showers, so have decided they want to take one in the morning. I set the alarm and Jbird bounds out of bed and straight for the shower. B is a little more slow moving, but they both climb in and just sit at they wake up. The big plus for me is that their hair is already wet and much easier to deal with than dry bed head. B has decided to let his hair grow out and he has some course hair.

Not a lot of plans this weekend. Going to find a community Easter egg hunt and then play cards Saturday afternoon. No Easter dinner plans - probably just treat everyone to a pizza as we celebrate our Lord's resurrection. Without the resurrection, where would we be? Enjoy a blessed Easter.

Friday, March 22, 2013

JB had his occupational therapy evaluation last night.
Probably 4 times during my conversation with the therapist after evaluation she said 'I found it interesting.....'. She too just sees quirky things with him. Gaps that no one can completely identify.

She said his fine motor skills are pretty good but his core muscles are weak. This was indicated by when he would get on all fours he would not hold his back up straight, but it would sag, or he would sit back on his feet instead of holding the pose. He does not like to cross his midline. When he was standing at the white board, he would draw something with his right hand on the right side of the board. However, when she asked him to draw something more towards his left shoulder, instead of reaching across his body, he would put the marker in the left hand. She noticed this several times. One time she had 3 small blocks and she put two on the floor with a small space in between then put the 3rd on top. He immediately called it a bridge. She then took it apart and asked him to do it and he could not. He knew what it looked like but could not figure out how to build it. When she asked him to build a tall tower, he consistently would build it long and not high. Just quirky things.

Then just before we left she did a reflex test. She had him on all fours and when she manipulated his head to look left, his left elbow bent. When she manipulated his head to the right, his right elbow bent (or maybe it was the opposite elbow). Either way, she called this asymmetrical tonic neck reflex. When I googled ATNR it said this is a reflex that infants have and it should disappear with a few months of birth (when they turn their head one way, their hand follows)...if it does not, it could indicate developmental delays. Well, someone has seen it at 3.5 years and guess what, he has some delays.

At one point she brought the crayons out and had him draw. She said it was interesting (again) how his whole demeanor changed. She asked if he liked playing with blocks and he said yes and then when she asked if he liked to color, he said no. She watched him color and he does not have the basics down yet...he won't put his elbow on the table and he won't bring his hand in close. She strongly recommended that they quit working with him on writing letters at school and just focus on the broad strokes. She said he is finding it very ackward to draw and therefore is really developing a dislike for it - not a good thing at 3 years old.

She said that based on his evaluation at 27 months, she found it very interesting (again) that he had continued to follow the developmental curve but he was still at the very same spot he was back then - at the very, very bottom of the normal range. She did say that had she started him in therapy back at 27 months, she did not think they would have made much progress because there were some skill sets he needed to develop.

She felt with the midline issue, the weak core muscles and the ATNR, that he needs to be in therapy once a week. So we add a 4th therapy to our schedule!
She did comment on how well his speech is coming along.

Twice a year I measure the boys. B and Jbird have both grown 1.5 inches in the last 6 months and JB has grown 2.25 inches. B seems to have leveled off on the weight gain and had not gained anything in the last year. I still am waiting for his growth spurt!

This is the last weekend for skiing. Last weekend went very well. Jbird had told me he was not going to ski because the instructors were going to take them on the big lift and he did not want to go on the big lift. However, when I talked with instructors afterward, they told me he was the one asking to go on the big lift. He did great. I went up with him after his lesson. I was following him and he brought us down a gentle sloping, winding trail. It is actually the road in the summer months and it was beautiful. There was no one else on the trail and it wound around trees and over a creek. B is doing better too, gaining more confidence. I think JR is going to take them this weekend because I need to work.

A few pictures from a recent ice cream outing. Can't wait until it is warm enough to ride bikes for ice cream.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Monday Jbird celebrated his birthday at school. I made my first cupcake cake. (It was very easy, although Jbird could not figure out what it was....)

The kids sang happy birthday to him. He was getting embarrassed.

JB continues to make strides with his speech. I think I have also gotten use to his sounds, so easier for me to understand. He probably still has another 2 plus years of speech several times a week. One of his favorite sayings right now is 'oo faw' - translation 'your fault'. Regardless of what it is, it is my fault. I don't even have to be in the house, and I get blamed for it. Jb says it a lot too. Trying so hard to teach my kids at a young age that you need to take responsibility for your own actions.

The other day for dinner I had to smile as I saw Jbird's plate....I am sure it looks just like mine use to - everything picked out. He finally decided it was easier for him to pick out what he liked.

Jbird saw the ENT today and his eardrum has not closed up. Given the size of the hole, medium size, they will do what is called a fat patch, where they take a bit of fat from the ear lobe to close up the hole. I saw the eye doctor today and with the exception of borderline for reading glasses, still pretty good eye sight. B gets his two cavities filled on Thursday, as well as JBs occupational therapy evaluation. Lots of appointments this week.

Off to a meeting!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

We have had a busy weekend...(thankful for the quiet first part of spring break).

Thursday night we had Jbird's 6th birthday. Some friends and us each got a hotel room then we invited a few boys from Jbird's class over to swim. They had a ball. We bought some water blasters (guns) from the dollar store. They were a hit. They shoot water about 40 feet and the boys had a blast. A few random pictures.

(I did not want to deal with the mess of a cake, so made rice krispie cake.  The frosting was a little too much.)

One of the favorite gifts...It is a snow tube but they work great in the water and are way more durable than a normal raft.

And a parting shot of my now six year old.  What a joy he is!

Monday, March 11, 2013

This past weekend was day number 2 for Jbird on the slopes. JR, B, Jbird and I headed up to the ski slopes. JR actually took them up to start skiing at 9 and I hung with JB for a bit before arriving at 11. They started on the beginner hill - it was JRs first time in 8 years snowboarding. Then they went up the lift. From what I hear Jbird kept falling so about half way down the hill he took off his skis and walked down.

When I arrived I skied the bunny hill with Jbird. The first time down, I wanted him to go around the cones. Every time he attempted to turn, he fell. First cone, fell...second cone he fell...third cone he fell...fourth cone he fell. He was up as quickly as he went down. The second time down the hill, he pointed the skis straight down the hill and did not turn at all. He ended with a baseball slide at the bottom. The third time down he headed straight down and ended with a baseball slide into the lift fencing. The fourth time down he headed straight down and weaved out the 'gate' and slid around several people watching - one of them a lady holding a small baby. I followed him down and told him he needed some control. A man nearby laughed and said 'he had control' and I said 'control enough to know when to fall'. That kid...he looked great on skis until he had to turn, then he would find himself sprawled all over the snow.

At the beginning of his lesson I casually mentioned to Jbird that maybe his instructor would help him learn how to turn instead of doing the slide. She said 'you are the one..I have been watching you do hockey stops all morning!'. They could get him to turn a bit, but not much. After the lesson was over, he went down the bunny hill probably another 30 times. It sure was fun riding the lift and watching him. He is a liability on the hill though...he needs to understand why turning is beneficial and how to stop.

During Jbird's lesson I went up on the lift with B. He wanted to use my poles. I have told them no, that poles are just a distraction until you get more comfortable turning. For some reason I gave him my poles as we headed to load the chair lift. Bad idea. Somehow he managed to sit on the lift with the poles but got tangled up enough that his skis fell off. I turned back around to see the lift operator grab the skis and hand them to a man behind us. I turned back around and then it was probably another 30 seconds before B looked down and said 'my skis...'. He did not even know they had fallen off. So, of course when we got ready to download at the top, they stopped the lift so he could 'walk' off. He is more comfortable on his skis but still tends to use more of a wide snow plow, which tires the legs very quickly.

They are both anticipating the last day so that we can eat in the lodge cafeteria!

This week is spring break - not a lot planned except the one night in a hotel room.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Once again, every day I thought I need to sit down and type.

Jbird was home sick on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Not really sick enough to go to the doctor, but sick enough that I felt he would be sent home anyway. Always a low grade fever - yet up and moving around quite a bit. Every afternoon I would tell him he was going the next day to school and he would wake up with a 100 fever.

JB has not yet had an evaluation for OT. They are really backed up and not sure with spring break if they have any openings for next week. The boys all go to the dentist next week and B goes back to orthodontist. We are about 7 months in and I think he is finally getting his appliance tightened for the first time.

Today JB had a tea party at school for one of his teachers. They each had to bring 6 cookies and wear party attire. He chose to wear a button down shirt and tie! He looked so dapper. I tried to get a picture of him but he just wanted me to get a picture of him doing the splits.....

For probably the last 8-9 months we have been saving....

Saving our change for some fun. We ended up with $126 worth of change. Whenever I spend bills, I save the change. So, next week we are getting a hotel room with some friends of ours so the boys can swim, swim and swim. Since it also coincided with Jbird's birthday, figured we would have a few other kids and make it a party! So, will be fun next Thursday! Our jar is now empty and I guess we will start saving for 2014 spring break!

Tomorrow JR and I are heading to the ski hill with the older two. Will be fun to have an almost 'family' outing. JB will be hanging with a friend of his. B is excited to get on the hill with dad. They will have several hours together in the afternoon. The weather has been really nice lately, sure hope the snow holds until end of March for all the lessons.

Tried to get a good picture of JB but he was goofing off....

I started a 400 page book about a week ago and almost done with it. Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand (who wrote Seabiscuit). Unbelievable book! A true story about WW II and one of the POWs - . Before being drafted he was predicted to become the first man to run the mile in under 4 minutes. In the book, he at one point survived a plane crash along with 2 other guys and they spent about 45 days adrift at sea. (Interesting that two of them fought to keep hope and their mind active and those were the two that survived the raft ordeal - the other guy had hopelessness from the beginning and he succumbed to it while in the raft). The things they did to survive and how the elements racked their bodies. Then they thought they were being rescued and turned out the rescue plane was a Japanese plane that made like 7 passes over them, every time smothering them with enemy fire, yet they survived and managed to repair their raft. They eventually were captured by Japanese ship and became POWs for 2 years. The treatment they were subjected to is hard to read. How any human being could treat another human being like that. Sure makes me appreciate our armed forces more and what they do for us. I think it is easy to be like 'oh, those vets...' but reading first hand what is endured....unbelievable. I am not yet finished with the book but the war has ended and it is talking about all the statistics, psychosis that the men lived with, hunting down war criminals, etc. An excellent, eye opening, sober read.

Off to get in a few more chapters.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Saturday was suppose to be Day 2 of skiing.

Jbird woke up and said he did not feel good, so did not want to go. (He had been looking forward to it all week, so I knew he had to be sick). I contemplated not going at all, since B was not signed up for the weekly lessons. However, I decided to commit to a program they have that allows you to earn a free lift ticket for the day. I told them I would spend 2 hours on Saturday afternoons (when Jbird has his lessons) to help the younger kids ride up the lift during their lesson. So, they were counting on me to be there. B and I headed out.

I was grumpy and irritable - not sure why, just not in the best frame of mind. As B and I got in the car, I was praying that we would have a good day.

We got up to the mountain fairly early and all the rental stuff rented. As I was getting my free ticket for the day, I asked B if he wanted to take a lesson - no, he was good. We took a few trips on the beginner hill (my first time on skis in over 8 years). I was trying to encourage B to make more turns. He reassured me several times that he could turn and was doing fine - he after all DID know how to ski. He said he wanted to go up the 'big' lift. I was not 100% comfortable with that, but I also know that my oldest sometimes has to learn lessons the hard way. So, we headed up. About half way through the 7 minute lift ride, he looked down and said that maybe it was not such a good idea.

We got off the lift and headed down. I have often told him that his greatest hurdle to overcome is his mind. He gets in panic mode and self destructs. The ski hill was no exception. "I can't do this", "look at all the younger kids who are better", "I will never learn".... He would get to going downhill and forget to do his turns, then get going too fast and then not know what to do. Several times I had to ski down below him to help him stop. One time, under the lift no less, I was below him waiting for him and he came straight toward me. He did not know what to do so he ran right into me. Fortunately I stayed on my feet, but he did not. Poor kid was just a mess, laying in the snow. People that had seen him run into me while on the lift were skiing down to see if he was okay. Lots of wounded pride. I made him continue to pick himself up and make his way down the mountain. By the time we got to the bottom, he decided a lesson that afternoon would be a good idea.

I signed him up for a lesson. I was not sure if one would have considered him a level 2, so put him back in a beginner lesson. Turns out, once again, he was by himself, so a 1.5 hour lesson. I sent them off at 12:30. They made one run on the beginner hill and I saw them head to the 'big' lift. I prayed for the best and headed at 1pm to help the younger kids ride the lift. At 2pm B and his instructor found me. B told me he spent the whole lesson up on the big hill and he was ready to go by himself. I gave the instructor a look and he assured me B could do it. So, I sent my 8 year old off by himself, while I spent another hour with the young kids.

I actually had fun with the young kids. Myself and another lady would stand around waiting and then a wave of kids with instructors would come through. We would scoot up with the kids, make sure they actually sat on the chair as it came around, talk with them on the way up, help them off and then ski down to do it again.

When I was done, I hooked up with B and we tried the lift again. He did great. It was fun to follow him down the mountain. He had gained so much more confidence and it just reaffirmed that although I think I could teach some kids to ski, I definitely cannot teach my oldest. He will forever do better with an instructor. We went on a second big lift and all the way up B told me about the gully. He wanted to ski the gully - the narrow, really narrow gully. I told him to head out and I would follow him. I don't like narrow skiing places. I am sure it has something to do with a narrow slope/gully in my younger years and going too fast and feeling like I did not have room to turn. We made it through though. He did ask me, as he waited for me at the end, why it took me so long. I told him I did not like narrow places but that he had challenged me to do it.

We got all our stuff put away and then headed to dinner. Overall a great day and I am really looking forward to exploring more of the mountain as the boys get older.

When we got home, Jbird had been resting all day and even took a nap. He had a fever, that is still lingering a day later! It seems that one of the boys have been home just about every day the last two weeks - sure ready for some healthy, feel good boys!