Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Recently the homeschoolers had a field trip to the recycling center.  It was very interesting and great for kids to see what happens to the trash.

They even take animal hides in exchange for a new pair of gloves.  They recycle antlers and pay about $13 a pound, so there is lots of money to be on those.

I can't remember the exact number but I think this bale of aluminum cans weighs 6,000 pounds.

The magnet on the end of this crane weighs like 700 pounds and picks up anything!  Unfortunately, their car crasher was down, but they enjoyed seeing everything stacked up.

This is my resident bike mechanic.  Anytime a bike needs fixing, which is very often, he is my go to guy!

Benjamin recently had a session with his 'employer' on decorating cupcakes.  He enjoyed it a lot and if he practices, could be quite the designer.

We have a half fence in the back yard and this is Bree's favorite post.  She has not tried to jump the fence in a long time!  Of course now there is a lot more snow and she really enjoys running in it!

We head out to Texas tomorrow.  Not sure if I will be posting things or not.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

The day after Thanksgiving JR and Benjamin went hunting.  Due to attitudes, the trip got off to a bad start.  They were going to end things early.  As they were driving off, they spotted some deer.  They were fortunate enough to each shoot a buck.  JR took his at 200 yards with 2 shots and Benjamin took down his buck at 194 yards with one shot.

This was Benjamin's
They went hunting on private land ~ one of JR's clients.  The plan was for them to sit in a tree stand.  HA.  That lasted about 2 minutes!  This picture was taken by the land owner.

Both Jacob and Joseph have had their Christmas programs at school.  Always fun to see all the kids. 

The countdown for Texas has begun.  We fly out in a week.  We are hoping to make a very quick trip down to Austin/San Antonio for an educational trip to the Alamo/River Walk.  Christmas is a beautiful time of the year down there.  

Bree continues her chewing!  If she was not such a cute, fun dog, she would have been gone by now.  The other day I ran her 3 different times then I felt so bad because she had done something to her front paw.  She limped and laid low for a day and a half but now is good as new. 

We don't have a Christmas tree up this year since we won't be around for 10 days.  When we came home today, there was a large Christmas tree branch in the street.  I had Benjamin pick it up and then we brought it into the house.  He put it by the front door and Bree went crazy barking.  She did not know what it was.  I held it up and was pushing it towards her and she would inch closer, only to scoot away backward, barking loudly.  The things that freak her out are hilarious.

A few appts round out the week, as well as Christmas caroling with 4H and the church Christmas program.  Last weekend I attended a ladies Christmas program at church.  About 30 of us loaded up on a hay wagon and drove around the community singing carols!

Benjamin finishes his basketball 'season' this weekend.  Hopefully I can get some pictures.  Then the other 2 start just after Christmas for a short 6 week league.  

JR is gearing up for arriving clients, with the holidays coming.  The snow has been light so far.  The last couple of days we have been in the mid 50s.  Today I washed the car without a coat on and wearing a short sleeve shirt!

Hopefully I will get one more post up before we leave for Texas!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Thanksgiving was a wonderful time.  We spent the better part of the day with some friends and all of their extended families.  The boys had a blast playing with other kids, I enjoyed lots of card playing and Jose enjoyed swapping hunting stories.

 The new principal at the elementary school is focusing on reading with the kids.  They recently held a Camp Read Alot where the whole day was spent either reading in the classroom or in the gym, which was converted into a campground.  There were tent set up everywhere, trees on the walls, fake firepit, etc.  I went up to read with the boys' classes.  Joseph's teacher snapped this picture of us.

Benjamin worked this past week with Connie ~ he was educated on splitting and stacking firewood.  He seems to be enjoying the work and the money.

A recent trip to the dentist for the boys.  Two of them were cavity free!

I brought some cereal home today and the boys were so excited ~ we have not had cereal in a while.  Anyway, it is a cereal with small pieces and they tend to make a huge mess with it because the older two refuse to put milk in it.  I told them they had to put at least a table spoon of milk in the cereal.  Lo and behold, they were actually surprised how good it was.  I have worked years for my boys to put milk in their cereal!  We are family of five and since none of us drink milk, a half gallon can go bad in our fridge.

Today I accidently left a bedroom door open.  Bree got in there.  I have small teacher gifts lined up on the floor.  She managed to sniff out the 3 that had food stuff in them.  She ate 24 Hershey kisses and 3 packs of gum.  Wrappers and all!  So far it does not seem that she is having any side effects.  I feel like I am becoming the lazy dog owner.  Although I take her to the dog park several times a week to run and run and run and play and play and play with other dogs and walk her in the field, she still has energy.  I have upped the mileage I run her with the car.  Today she ran 3.3 miles and maintained about 12 mph the entire time.

I have pictures on my phone that I am not able to get off the phone!  UGH.  One day I will be posting lots of pictures!