Thursday, October 29, 2009

Doctor's visit

Well, we ended up at the Doctor today. Last night B woke up numerous times just crying and crying. His ear. Fortunately I had some numbing medicine left over from the last ear ache and gave him some. It got us through the night but with little sleep. Today the Doctor said he has a bad earache and the other ear and throat are headed down the 'bad' road too. So, a round of antibiotics. He has already woken up once tonight crying and hurting.
J's cough seems to be settling more in his chest and getting deeper!
Both of the boys are psyched over the weekend. Lots of 'festivals' at churches and a little door to door activities planned. I sure hope it happens.
Still thankful that JB and I have stayed healthy! Praise God!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Stickin Around

The 'bug' just won't leave the house. B was down most of the weekend with a fever (you know he is sick when he takes 2 naps in one day and still was asleep tonight at 7:30). Then J had it and it seems to have gone back to B. It mostly shows up at night. So, we have been staying very close to home. With so much crud going around, I certainly don't want to expose anyone to anything. It is nice not having to get out of the house. I do think we are on the tail end of it though. I sure hope so, we have been going through a bottle of Tylenol every 2 - 3 days. Spending so much time indoors, we are playing lots of board games. I have also found some great paper airplane websites and the boys are having fun, to bad it has not been warm enough or calm enough (wind wise) to try them outside.
Thankfully little JB has not been sick. He is still going strong. He is even starting to pull 5 straight hours of sleep at night! He is getting into a very good evening routine and putting himself to sleep, without too much coaxing from us.
J did make it to speech therapy today. We have graduated from once a week to every other week. If he continues to maintain and move forward (no slipping back) then we will probably wrap up the end of the year. This time last year his expressive language was at the 6-9 month level (and he was 19 months at that time). He has done very well and the therapist has said he tolerates some exercises better than most kids. Way to go J! This means though that he has started to repeat things his older brother says. B's famous line, when I ask him to do something like clean up, is 'It is going to take forever'. Now I have to smile as I hear J mutter 'it take me forever.'
JR saw a really nice bull (male elk for those that are confused) this past weekend. He took a shot but had misjudged the distance. So, the freezer is still empty, but 5 more weeks to go!
I am getting back in to a groove at the gym but even in a groove, I have to stay away from the chocolate. One of the bad things about winter coming, it is so easy to curl up on the couch, under a great blanket with hot chocolate and popcorn or chips or crackers or basically anything that is not a fruit or vegetable. Maybe if I use the blog (hint accountability) I can kick things up a notch and start getting ready for next summer. I want to start logging miles on the trail with the kids next summer. Would be nice if every summer we could hike as a family 5 more miles than the previous summer, or something like that! My ultimate goal would get out enough and get the boys loving it that when they are older, say in 10-12 years do some kind of 1-2 week long backpacking trip.
Well, I promised the boys I would have a few more new paper airplanes when they woke up in the morning, so I am off to fold!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

I love this age

Old enough to finally start responding but not old enough to be mobile yet.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Since several have asked....I did not think I would ever be excited to see normal poopy diapers! It means whatever was 'eatin' at J is now gone and our playdates can resume.

Hunting season is upon us. Rifle starts this Sunday, so we are praying that God leads either the animals to JR or JR to the animals. I think we are 'shooting' for an elk and several deer.

Off to the pumkpin patch with the boys tomorrow, provided everyone is still healthy and the weather is not too cold!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Bumbo Chair

JB loves his new Bumbo Chair! Can't believe he is big enough to use it!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

A Gorgeous Fall Day

"My 3 Sons" and I ventured out today to a friends Football game and then hit two local parks. It was an absolutely gorgeous day! As evening rolled around JB was fussy so I went outside to walk with him and saw the sunset!

This was a welcome sight!
We started our Experiencing God bible study this week and when you are at home with 3 kids and one has a bug (flu or whatever it is) and you need two hands to count the number of loads of laundry you have done because of throw up and you lost count a long time ago of the diaper blowouts, it is hard to feel like you are 'experiencing God'. So, the sunset was a great reminder.
J is still having the blowouts but the throwing up seems very random. Not sure what is going on, as these are the only symptoms he has. He is a little low key but no fever, etc. I just pray that it does not make the rounds!
JB has found his hands and loves to suck on them. He is still all over the place with any kind of a 'schedule' but no one seems to mind.
B is loving AWANA this year. He received a CD with his Sparky Book and we listen to it all the time in the car. As a matter of fact, he does not even talk in the car because he wants to hear. He has learned most of the verses and has a good start on the books of the bible. Again, just amazed at his memory.
The other day we were talking about the planets and I said something about the 7 planets in our solar system. He immediately corrected me and told me there were 9 planets. Then he wanted me to name them all and it took me about 5 tries before I could get all 9, or 8 depending on the deal with Pluto.
We were also talking about the creation story recently and Noah. I walked away with a question I had never considered. Noah took at least 2 of every animal on the ark. Dinosaurs are now extinct. I had always assumed they all died in the flood, but if that is the case, then Noah did not take any dinosaurs on the ark. I will have to think/research that one a little more.
JB is screaming in the other room and J is back in the bathroom. Going to be a long night I am afraid!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

War, Cancer and the Bus

B was upstairs this morning playing with his army guys. I heard him say "These are the Afghanistan guys and these are the Americans". If he is in ear shot of ANYTHING, he picks up on it. Whether we are listening to the radio and the news comes on, whether we are watching TV or he just hears someone in passing talk about things. So, he has been asking about war.
"What is a war Mom?"
"It is when you try to get rid of the people doing bad things."
"Why are we at war with Afghanistan?"
"Because some people in Afghanistan are doing bad things and the Americans are trying to help. Pastor Chip's son is over in Afghanistan fighting."
"You mean by himself trying to shoot the bad guys?"
"No, other Military guys are over there."
"What is the military?"
"They are people that help to keep America safe. They are either in the Army, Navy, Air Force or Marines."
I started naming more people who are in the military.
"What if we don't win Mom?"
"Well, we have lots of people over there and they are trying their best."
So it went.

I am also collecting the 'pink lids' off of the yogurt containers to send in so money will be donated to finding a cure for breast cancer.
"Mom, why are you keeping those lids?"
"Because I am going to send them in so money will be donated to help cure cancer."
"What is cancer?"
"Cancer is a disease that makes people very sick and sometimes they die."
"How does cancer make people sick?"
"Cancer is bad cells in your body that grow and make the good cells go away."
"What are cells?"
I can't recall how I responded to this one, but I am sure it was good :-)
"How do they get in your body?"
"The doctors don't really know how they get there."
"How do they get rid of the bad cells?"
"They use something called chemotherapy"
"What is chemotherapy?"
"It is like taking a big laser gun and shooting at the bad cells hoping they will die."
So, this conversation continued. A little kid with lots of very good and curious questions. Seems like any answer I give is always met with another question. He takes in so much, I can't even imagine what he will be like and what kind of things he will retain when he is a few years older. I certainly don't lack for 'adult type' conversations throughout the day. He is always keeping me on my toes and challenging me to find ways to explain adult things to a very smart 5 year old.

We rode the city bus on Thursday to the mall, just for the adventure of it. While we were sitting on the bus, B turns to me and says "Mom, how does the bus know where we are going..." The boys had fun, although given the bus schedule we had 3 hours at the mall. It proved to be a long time with 2 tired boys. Seems with every passing day B gets more and more tired yet getting him to nap is quite a few. Fortunately J still takes naps almost every day.

We are having unusually cold weather. The high is 29 and the low is 2. Not quite ready for this, but it will warm up.

I can't have a post without a picture or two. The boys were trying to help their dad and prove how strong they are. (Amazing how they were so willing to smile for the camera when they were showing their strength...such boys.)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


2 months, 10 1/5 pounds, 22 1/2 inches long!!!

Saturday, October 3, 2009


Well, it started snowing yesterday. None of it stuck, but the mountains are now white. Not sure how long it is suppose to stick around. I am hoping for an indian summer.
J has started using the potty (sporadically) again, thanks to M&Ms!
B is switching from the T/Th Kindergarten class to the M/W class. The classes just recently finished 'testing' all the Kindergarten students. There are quite a few that will be going 5 days a week for a little more 'help'. Once everyone got shifted around there were more kids T/Th, so the teacher asked if we would switch. That is what is great about our life right now, no commitments, so we could easily accomodate the teacher.
JB is 8 weeks tomorrow. He is growing so much. He is lifting his head a lot. He is getting very particular about things at certain times of the day. Some times he prefers his swing, other times of the day it is his crib, still other times what soothes him best is laying in our bed! Will be interesting to see how much he weighs at his appt next week.
JR and I start a bible study next week called "Experiencing God". We are making the commitment to go every Tuesday night and are hoping that we can get out early enough for a quick dinner. We will be leaving the oldest two with a sitter - yeah - some adult time every week.
Here are some pictures from our playroom. We decided our boys needed a winter outlet so have been putting things in there to help them burn off energy. I think we might try to put a swing (for JB) in there but the other thing we want to add soon is a climbing wall. Nothing huge, but a reason for them to 'climb' the walls. Hopefully we can get that built in the next month or so.
(I have been playing with some photo editing software and could not figure out how to change back the 'yellow' in the first photo...)