Thursday, July 27, 2017

Summer is getting away from me.  Seems like whenever we do something I always forget the camera or I take it but don't use it.

Last week Benjamin and I went to see a theatre production called Once Upon a Mattress.  It was a cute production.  I sure hope the drama club gets going again in the fall and can find a director.  He really enjoys it.

Last week the book ends (oldest and youngest) did a baseball camp.  They concluded the week with a cookout and a baseball game.  There were two games, the younger kids and the older kids.  I did not get in on the action with the younger kids, but when they ask ed for any dads to join the older kids, I told them I was not a dad but really wanted to play.  They were gracious and said sure.  I happily ran to right field and only touched the ball once (we only played 2 innings because it was getting dark).  But what I was most happiest about was batting.  Oh my word, I was nervous and the pitcher was a high school kid.  I don't know that I had ever gone up against a baseball, being thrown overhand and lots of people watching.  The first pitch I hit it and it dropped in behind 1st base!  Yay.  This momma still has it!  Of course the second time up I struck out.  Let the good balls go by.

This week all three boys did a football camp.  They all enjoyed it and Jacob said he even learned a few things about QB and how you step back to throw.

All the camps for the summer is over, minus VBS at our church.  Should be a really quiet August.

Time to start looking at school supplies.  Joseph has had the tough decision about whether he wants to do gymnastics, football or hip hop.  I told him he had to choose and he has chosen, at least at this point, hip hop.  The best thing about that...the studio is in our neighborhood (squeal) and he can ride his bike!  Just brings a smile to my face thinking about him dancing.

All the boys went to orthodontist today.  As expected, the doc said Benjamin is probably looking at jaw surgery in a few years.  All of his issues are skeletal.  We are gonna wait a year or so and then probably have a consult with an oral surgeon.  (The upside, this surgeon can do it in his office, which means no hospital, so much cheaper surgery.)  The ortho just thinks we really need to get a good plan in place and prepare for it.  His bottom jaw is already about 10 mm further out than where it should be.  I asked if insurance would ever cover it for a medical reason (versus dental) and he said who knows.  But that is where the oral surgeon can present his case.  Nothing we are loosing sleep over, but good to know that we can at least be preparing for it down the road.

Now Joseph, he has become the priority!  He wants braces so bad, not sure why.  But his normal bite is where the front teeth exactly hit/meet.  With this bite it means that your back teeth don't meet and it can be hard to chew food.  The ortho noticed excessive receeding gums in the front and was baffled.  After lots of looks, it appears that when Joseph eats, he pushes his bottom jaw forward so he can eat without his front teeth hitting each other.  Doing so has put pressure on the front teeth and caused the receeding gums.  Ugh.  So, we go back in a month to get new impressions for an upper retainer for Jacob and impressions for Joseph.  He is going to be fitted for a device he will wear on his face when he sleeps and it will attach to his mouth, in the hopes of bringing the bottom jaw back a bit.  (This should have been an option for Benjamin years ago, but the old ortho missed it).  Still not sure where the really strong bottom jaw comes from, because the ortho said it is genetic.

This weekend we are going camping.  We are going with 4-5 other families.  This will probably be our first and only camping trip this summer.  Hopefully my camera will make it into the car and then out of the car for some pictures.

Oh, for those that have been watching the news, we are nowhere near the forest fires.  It is probably 3-4 hours northeast of us.  Fortunately in a lesser populated part of the state.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

In typical fashion, I am behind posting pictures! Oh well!

This week the book ends (oldest and youngest) are doing a morning baseball camp. Jacob opted not to do it, so has been fun hanging out with just him. Next week all three of them are doing a football camp and then, yikes, it will be August! A really laid back summer so far.

My niece and her husband were here for a week and then as they left, a friend arrived for several days. So the last 10 days we have had a lot of fun, hitting all the hot spots.

A waterfall we hiked up to (a short .7 miles)

The boys loved climbing.

Can you find all three of the boys below??

Then we took a drive across private land into a camp ground.  We were hoping to see the several hundred buffalo that are sometimes grazing near the road.  However, we had to settle for a dozen or so.  One of them was really close.

Guess who went along with us and loved it and found a great place to cool off.

Another hike to a waterfall (about 1.1 miles)

Then we drove up to a mountain lake.  It was a tricky 7 mile drive and took us close to an hour up and 45 minutes down.  But well worth the view.

There was a rope swing and everyone was a little nervous to be the first one in the water.  We should not have done it to the newbie, but so thankful Ryan (my niece's husband) tried it out first.   I wish I had gotten take off, but I got the landing.

Ryan survived, so it encouraged the others to give it a go.

It was a clear lake and it did not look deep enough to jump, but it was just deep enough.  If you look at the rock sticking out of the water, this was our fear, that someone would slip off the rope or not jump far enough and land on the rock.   (We would not let Joseph jump for this reason, he just swung)

When my friend arrived we did a round trip 6 mile hike, but I was not about to carry my camera up there. It was beautiful too and Joseph and Bree did awesome! A great time with those we love!

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Just some more pictures from our day to day summer living.

The Atlanta Falcons put on an evening football clinic.  I heard they had several hundred kids that came out to run drills.  The staff was shocked at how many kids there were.  They were asking if football was just huge up here.  I wanted to shout out 'yes' but it was probably the free event that drew people.  There are very few free kid events around here!

Our church had an annual hike and then cookout.  It was our first year going and the boys had a blast.  They especially loved throwing rocks in the river with all the other boys.  (Photos taken by one of our pastors)

My silly Jacob

Look at the big campfire marshmallows

I love when my boys iron.

I found this on my phone.  This is Jacob.  They are really watching the top teeth.  The upper ones with braces are permanent teeth.  Not sure how the other permanent ones will drop down in there!
Joseph out riding.

Here is a picture of the quilt I did for my niece Kendall, for high school graduation.

Enjoying a visit with my niece Kelsey and her husband. The days sure are hot, but we have gotten out and done some hiking and sight seeing. It is rare for me to take luke warm showers and to sleep without lots of blankets, but that is exactly what I have been doing!

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Happy 4th of July.  I wish I had it together to put up a patriotic post, but, well, I don't.  I seem to be doing well to get my pictures off my camera and phone once a week!  

Pretty low key summer so far. 

Here are some random pictures.

I love the selfies my kids take with my phone!

Our small group bible study met in a different location last week and Joseph was so excited to see they had a pool.  It sure was cold, but it did not stop this guy.  Everyone was shocked at how long he stayed in there.

Jacob getting in some mowing time with Jose.  He has it under control.

The local food bank offers free meals M-F for kids at local parks in the area.  We don't utilize this as much as I wish we did.

One of their meals.  It is their way to assure that the kids are getting at least one meal a day during the summer.

The local library had a program on drums.  This guy is amazing and interacts wonderfully with the kids.  He even travels periodically to his teacher's village in Africa.

We are gearing up for my niece and her husband to come visit.  They arrive tomorrow and we are so excited!  Gonna get out and do lots the next week!  Just not real sure when I will get pictures uploaded!