Saturday, April 24, 2021

Ben and I recently took a day trip over to Billings...just for something different.  Always love going to the big sports store and getting some hands on practice!

They have a laser shooting range.  I performed very slowly and poorly!

My highlight of the trip though, was going to a jewelry store.  Benjamin is one that is beginning to love all things nice.  He has talked about Rolex watches before, but I had no idea how much he knew about them.  He wanted to go try one on.  Thankfully the sales person was very engaging and picked up on his huge interest.  It will be several years before he permanently gets to wear one but he said he wants to save.  The salesperson showed him another brand that was really nice and way cheaper.  I thought he might walk out with it, but didn't.  (He told me he wasn't that impulsive.)  I did not know that Rolexes are investments, they only get better with time.!?  

The look on his face when he had on the stores top of the line model.  Priceless.  There were two small Rolex gift books, so to speak, on the counter and he started flipping through the books and showing me all the pictures and what he loves about each style.  The salesman said "You can have those, if you want."  Benjamin just about fell over and asked if he was serious.  The guy said, "yep, we get a lot of them"  We immediately got to the car and he carefully wrapped up the two books.  

At one point we were looking at some lower end, nice women's watches and Ben asked me if I would ever wear one.  I jokingly said I would never wear a watch like that with sweats.  The salesperson asked why not.  I just kind of shrugged and told him I have never been one for finer things, so to speak.  I think he thought I was nuts, but watches just don't draw me in....I would rather spend my money on other things.  

Speaking of money, I am in the process of finishing up a Financial Coach Class.  Not sure what my long term intentions are with my training, but I do know that one of the things I am passionate about it finances and helping people learn their money behaviors and finding ways to control their money instead of it controlling them!

Jacob plods along with therapy!  I continue all things around the house while my work weeks are limited to 7 hours a week.  I managed to empty out my storage unit, so I can give up that monthly expense.  Did some more painting around the house.  Finishing up my last high school graduation t-shirt quilt for my niece.  Hard to believe, aside from my boys, all the other grand kids are out of high school.

No extra curriculars between now and the end of school, which is about 6 weeks away!  Hard to believe.  Really, no set plans for the summer either!  Hoping to do a few day/overnight trips with the boys and maybe a weekend of camping.  Jacob will start football 2 a days mid July.  (There are some local levies being voted on in a few weeks and if the levies don't pass, the school district will be cutting all extra curriculars/sports, except varsity football, volleyball and basketball.)  Ben is still undecided if he wants to play football his senior year.

Thursday, April 15, 2021

JR recently bought this for the business!!

After talking about it for a few years, we took the plunge.  We might have to take it out on a few weekends too!  I told him it would be nice if he would move his fort to someplace that we could take this....we could get quite a few miles back then!!

Jbird continues to work hard at therapy.  

 He really has to focus on keeping his hips square and not letting his right knee roll in.  He has seen two different therapists and one wondered if there was some damage done to the MCL and the other wondered if maybe the hip was slightly tilted when they put the rod in.  He has a very slight tilt/limp when he walks so they are not sure where it is coming from.  I am hopeful it will work itself out and not something that was originally overlooked.

And guess what, today when I dropped him off at school.....

No crutch!!!  8 weeks to the day, he finally got cleared to leave the crutch at home!!!

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Just a quick post!

Benjamin is finishing up a STEM (science, technology, engineering, math - I believe) and his project is finished!  Pretty cool!!!  We just need to take it to church one day so someone can hook it up to an amp and play it!!!  The base of the guitar came like that, but he had to do some sanding and then putting all the electrical stuff on it!!  He needs to sand down the frets a tiny bit, then I might try to tune it and see if I can pluck out a song

 Jacob was officially dismissed from one crutch today at PT.  Instead of two, he just uses one now!  He was so excited.  He has a free hand when he walks!  He has a follow up tomorrow with the surgeon.  He is hoping at PT next week to lose the second crutch.  It is just amazing to see how much he has had to relearn!

I continue on with all kinds of projects, hitting the gym, doctors appointments....

Hard to believe Easter is almost here.  The first quarter of 2021 is in the books!!!