Friday, August 31, 2012

Wednesday was the first day of school for the older two boys. They both had really good days and enjoy their teachers. Jbird was wiped out in the afternoon - full on tantrums. This all day stuff will take some getting use to for him. I have been very surprised that he wants me hanging around on the playground and right outside his classroom when the bell rings in the afternoon. I can do that. Their school is two buildings, separated by a 'state highway'. So, B loves the fact that he crosses the street (where the cross guard is) and heads to Jbird's school at the end of the day.

Recent forest fires are causing havoc. Yesterday the kids did not go outside to play because of the air quality. Soccer practice was cancelled. I think there are 3 or 4 within a 30 mile radius of us. This is when we all start wishing for a little mountain snow! Quiet holiday weekend. Nothing planned at this point. JR's birthday is Sunday!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Guess what JB did today......

His first dentist visit. You can just tell by the foot on the knee that he was totally kicking back, taking it all in.

Both the dentist and dental hygienist commented on what amazingly strong teeth he has. Apparently enamel on baby teeth is very thin but his teeth were incredible. She kept asking me if I lived in the city limits (because they don't have fluoride in our water). When I told her yes, she was baffled as to why he had such strong teeth without fluoride in the water.  He did not care for the fluoride they put on at the end, otherwise he was an incredible trooper.

B took some pictures while we were waiting....

He is such a goof ball...everyone in the office was cracking up at my kids.

B thought it would be fun to have JB roll around on the floor so he could get some more pictures...only my boys!

The middle child obviously does not have strong, healthy teeth. Cavity number 3!

School starts tomorrow. JB and I have a low key rest of the week! Looking forward to some one on one time with him while older boys are at school. Jbird had his first soccer practice today and enjoyed it!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

On Saturday I took the boys to a local fundraiser called Digger Days. It was everything boy!!!! They each got the opportunity to get in a real piece of machinery and work it.

There was lots and lots of sand piles to dig in.

One of the mining companies let the kids mine for garnets.  They even managed to find some and bring them home.

Lots of trucks, cranes, tractors to climb up in and play with controls, honk horns, etc.

A crowd favorite....Tow Mater.....It is rigged with all kinds of animal sounds.

Overall, a fun Saturday. I forgot sunscreen because it was a last minute decision to go. Thankfully I was the only one that got burned. So thankful my boys have at least of JR's coloring.

Friday, August 24, 2012

We recently attended a birthday party up at 'our' pool. Some of the local families that have been going all summer were there. Got a few action shots of B shooting baskets.

Last few days of summer are very low key. Next week the routines start...getting up early...sticking to my cleaning schedule....working out again...looking forward to some structure.  Hoping to put in place some structure at home with JB, so I am intentional about working on some things from therapy.

We found out the boys' teachers. I am not familiar with either of them, but of course hear good things. Any time we talk about their teachers, JB pipes up with 'my tee-er'. He is as excited as them to start. He will start the Tuesday after Labor Day. Tuesday through Friday 12:30-3:10. The bus will pick him up and I can just see his proud little face the first time he climbs those steps and looks out at the window at me. I wish I was on the other end, watching him get off the bus, but either way, he will love it. The older boys are a little jealous that he gets to ride the bus and they do not.

JR works for a property management company. Over the last couple of years they have expanded into other things. They manage about 50 luxury homes right now and they are wanting to offer luxury rental cars for those renting their properties. They will rent the suburbans for a week at a time and have 5 suburbans. They need someone on the airport end to pick up the rental, check it out, wash and vacuum it and then leave it for the next renter. The owner has asked if I would be interested. As long as I have the car ready for the next renter, I wash (drive through car wash) and vacuum them when it works for me. He is fine with me having the boys with me. The best part, they will pay for a 2 hour block of time for each car but ideally it will take 30-45 minutes. Does not sound bad. Up to 10 hours a week and I can take the kids. Will call him back next week but will probably jump on board. He is anticipating having all the cars rented out year round. An easy way to fund my travels for next summer!

B has been complaining of a sore throat and headaches.  Jbird has finally quit asking for his pain meds.  I am feeling good, although JR feels like he is getting sick.  Praying for continued health for all of us.  Don't want any sickness at the beginning of a school year.

Off to unwind!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Life is returning to normal.

Other than an 'every once in a while' complaint of Jbird, he is just about 100%.  He had a birthday party today at the pool and was keeping up with all the kids.  He still is particular about what he wants to try to eat.  I tried hard to get him to try a biscuit, but wanted the stand-by of either oatmeal or pancake.

Both of JB's therapists have commented on his recent improvements.  One of them said you can see the coordination starting to come.  It is still so interesting to watch, he can repeat a sound perfectly then when he adds it to another sound, it all falls apart.  One therapist expects that he will digress a little when he starts school.  I guess usually the first week or two kids tend to shut down until they get it all figured out in their new environment.  I also inquired about problems as they learn to read.  I am told that about half the apraxic kids end up with reading problems (dyslexia, etc).  So something we will be watch pretty closely in another year or so when some pre-reading skills should start surfacing.  Right now he is so proud of himself that he is now coordinated enough to hold up (correctly) 3 fingers.  When you ask him how old he is, you can see the smoke coming out of his ears as he struggles to get all of his fingers where he needs them.  So cute.

B  - I am getting ready to send my third grader off to school and he cannot tie his shoes.  He desperately needs new tennis shoes and I have been holding out, telling him he needs to learn to tie his shoes.  Not sure who will win this one.  In some things he is a self-defeatist and this is one of them.  At least he knows how to tell time, which a lot of kids don't, living in a digital clock world.

"It is the way we have always done things".  A phrase I am coming to loathe.  I am involved in a couple of different organizations.  There are changes happening in two of them.  Changes that I am behind.  Changes that others think need to happen, I was just the one to step up and take the challenge.  I am convinced that is part of why I ended up sick last weekend.  Some of the 'ol timers' not sure and hesitant about this change. Just some of the stress of what I dealt with last week.  However, I am going to continue to plug away and make minor, positive changes anywhere I can.  By the end of September, I should know how both of them are playing out!  One more month...I can do it.

JR is very, very busy.  Trying to get in as much work as he can before the snow flies.  Soccer starts next week for the boys on Tuesday and school on Wed.  Hoping for a quiet, quiet weekend.

Monday, August 20, 2012

I have spent the better part of three days in bed.  I went to bed Friday night telling the boys if I were not here when they woke up that I was at the hospital.  I hurt bad.  Woke up feeling considerably better Saturday morning.  Played it safe and stuck close to bed.

We are all up this morning and moving slow.  Need to run in to town for JB's therapy and have to get a few groceries.  Can already tell it will be a slower recovery than I want.  But my kids rock and in times like this I am very thankful how independent they are.

Jbird is still asking for his pain meds.  Wondering if the doc will send in another prescription 10 days post surgery.  I have one more day of meds and think I need to refill my prescription or it might come back.

Just wanted to send a quick hello!

Friday, August 17, 2012

This momma is sick.  I am not one to get sick but it has got me this time.  Even through my pregnancies I never recalled a day in bed...a full day in bed.  Doc thinks it might be me started on meds.

JR is out of town hiking until Sunday and my kids ROCK.  Granted they have sat in front of the tv all day but I periodically hear them helping each other out, getting drinks, cutting pizza.  I bought a pizza that hopefully they will eat on all weekend.  They have the run of the lower level.

Fortunately Jbird is feeling better.  Taking his meds regularly and eaten stuff today. 

Just laying in bed this weekend.....Thankful my sister handed down a laptop so I can atleast have some mindless entertainment when I am awake.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Since I did not get a lot of pictures of JB on his birthday, I saw the opportunity recently. It is fun to open presents on your birthday, but it is also fun when a late package arrives. Thanks to Aunt Patti, I got to take some more pictures. He loved all the tissue paper and color.

He loves to wind up bath toys and I don't believe he has ever played with any.

Jbird is doing a little better. Monday we went to the pool and he laid in the shade for 2 hours, did not speak and just had a distant stare. Tuesday we went to the park and he laid on a blanket for 2 hours with his head in my lap. Still some pain, for the most part not taking his meds, but he did eat half a pancake today. The most food he has had in 3 days I think. He is down about 5 pounds. Of course watching him for dehydration. Every time I start to get really concerned, he will rally and drink half a cup of something. At least this morning he is sitting on the couch playing a little with a toy.

JB has been making strides on the potting training. He is initiating some of it on his own. The other day I heard a 6 word sentence..."B dahn here, mom nee you"

The other day, the straw finally broke. One of my boys was asked to do a chore and his immediate response was 'I can't I am playing the Wii". That night the tv got put in a closet and the next day Directv was suspended. (The 2 year contract just came up so I have been waiting for this.) How nice it has been the last couple of days not to have the distraction and other things that come along with the tv. Not sure how long it will be in the closet, but I do hope that Directv never comes back!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Jbird had a pretty good weekend. He is now asking for his medicine - yea! One of my most precious memories from his surgery was on Friday, I believe, we were hanging at home. The boys were just getting going and it was nice and cool out. I wanted to go for a walk. I asked Jbird if he wanted to go and he said yes. I got the stroller out and we made a 5 minute lap. He said he wanted to keep going, so we did...and we did...and we did. I think we made 5 laps. Not really talking, just both enjoying being outside. It was teh perfect temperature with a slight breeze.  Probably the last time I will ever push him in a stroller again.

His snoring has stopped and his voice is not so nasal. He actually is a little more soft spoken with a slight slur due to the pain. At times I have a hard time understanding him. I have heard, probably 8 times today, "mom - didn't I ask you something a while ago."

The boys have been wanting me to sleep in their room the last couple of nights. Coming from an 8 year old, I jump at that.  Last night the three boys and I were all in a full size bed...not the most comfortable thing.

I recently helped put together the local soccer teams for the fall season. We were one coach short for K-1st grade. I found a gal that has lots of experience playing but needs a committed asst. coach since she has a baby. So, I am donning a new hat this fall and going to be an asst. soccer coach. Maybe by the time JB turns 5, I will feel totally equipped to be THE coach for his team. Should be lots of fun.

Last week I took the boys to a dollar store. They think it is the greatest. We were buying a few things for a friends' birthday, just odds and ends. JB decided that it was his birthday, so he would find something, put it in his arms and say 'me buthday'. He probably had 5 or 6 things that he struggled to carry but was determined to make it out of the store with everything.  Then his brothers kept wanting this or that for their brother's birthday. We left that dollar store with about 4 times the stuff we went in there for.

We recently discovered some batting cages. Had to take the boys. They enjoyed it a lot! Once B got the swing, literally, of it, he did well. Jbird started out 3 for 3. JB was just hilarious...that little head rolling around in that huge ol' helmet.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Jbird is doing better.  Wednesday was a tough night.  All day Thursday he laid around, still not wanting to take medicine.  He always had a towel in his mouth because he did not want to swallow.  You know your child is sick when they don't finish a popsicle, go-gurt, milk shake or ice cream.  About the only thing he consistently got down was cottage cheese.  Thursday he slept all night.  Friday woke up not feeling well.  Still laying around.  Late morning the doctor's office called me.  I told them how he was doing and they told me him taking his medication was not an option.  The pain would get worse and he needed to stay hydrated.  She suggested mixing it with kool-aid or chocolate syrup.  He drank the kool-aid and within 30 minutes he was up and riding bikes.  Then he would not take the next dose and be back on the couch.  I think he is finally starting to see how the medicine works and takes the pain away so he can swallow.  This morning they headed out with JR to some type of shooting exhibition.

To give my family peace of mind, I recently took the boys for haircuts. Here is the before picture.

And the after.

One reason I don't like cutting Jbird's hair is that I never like it after a cut. It takes about 2 weeks for me to like it. JR is always griping about how he needs a haircut and every time he gets one, JR does not like it. It is the always looks like a page boy haircut. I don't know how to remedy it. I love the rest of it, just not how the bangs or top look. Fortunately I anticipated this and made sure we had a good 4 or 5 weeks before school pictures. The other boys look good. It was funny to see, especially B's, 'tan' line on his forehead from the haircut.

Now, those of you that have been concerned, you may now get some sleep tonight :-)

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Jbird and I had to be at the hospital at 9 Wednesday morning for his tonsillectomy.  Unfortunately the patient before us took longer, so we did not actually leave for the OR until close to 11:30.  The ENT came out about 20 minutes later and said all went fine.  I then waited until he was back in recovery and starting to wake up.  I waited and waited and waited.  Finally they called me back.  He was sound asleep and no chance of stirring.  (With the other two boys, they woke up fairly quickly).  I laid in bed with him for 1/2 an hour, then they took us out of recovery and into another room.  He slept another hour.  The nurse and I finally roused him awake.  Then we waited half an hour to make sure pain med was going to kick in.

We came home and some friends stopped by so he was up shooting baskets.  Not too much complaining.  However, it all started in the middle of the night.  Crying and crying.  He did not want to take the medicine.  I even offered a popsicle at 5am and he said no.  He also turned down the go-gurt this morning after breakfast.  Trying to keep fluids down him.  The other two boys never dealt much with pain.  I think this one might be different.

Of course I got a few pictures.

While we waited and waited and waited.  He loved having total control over the remote and the warm blankets.

A sacked out little guy.

Getting the royal treatment....could not pass up a ride in a wheel chair out to the car while drinking apple juice (which was after the popsicle and grape juice).

On the way home the long awaited strawberry milkshake.  He did drink too much though, telling me he was not feeling good.

The day prior was JB's birthday....a few more shots

I love this new look he gives for the camera

One of the candles was a 'magic' candle that kept relighting.  The boys had fun with it.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

For some reason this did not post on Tuesday.....
Guess who is 3 today!!!!

My precious JB. There are days when we are both in tears...because you can't communicate what you need and because I can't understand what you say. There are days when I wonder if your language will ever be age appropriate and if not, how it will affect you. Then I stop myself and take a step back. Then I have to smile to see how you have overcome thus far and you will continue to overcome! You are amazing! How exciting to watch the next couple of years and how you continue to grow and learn more. What a ride the last 3 years have been!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

The boys went to a swimming party yesterday. I think it was fun for them to be in a different pool. Just some pictures....

A sample conversation between JB and I.
"Bat hut"
"Your back hurts?"
"yea, pip..bat hut"
"you want a chip because your back hurts?"
"you think a chip will make your back not hurt?"
and then it continues over and over. He tried it with a donut today. Not sure why he thinks that a particular something will make something else quit hurting. Makes me wonder if he is thinking on the tonsilectomy conversations we have had with Jbird. He is getting them out on Wed and we tell him he will get ice cream, jello, etc because his throat will hurt.
JB finally has a name for Jbird. He has never called Jbird anything, because his name was too hard for him to say. But it is now "day". So excited he can call his other brother by name. Jbird often felt left out because whenever JB needed something, he always called for B.
I don't know what has come over my boys lately, but I am having a hard time keeping them under control when we are out in public - especially the younger two. We will be somewhere and I turn my back and when I turn back around, the younger two are on the floor rolling around, or playing hide and go seek in the round clothes racks. Their voices are getting louder. I forget where we were the other day but I grabbed them by the hand and left the store. Could not believe it. JB is pushing the limits like crazy and you can watch the stand off. Will be glad when school starts and I can shop without them. Gearing up for JB's birthday on Tuesday and Jbird's tonsils coming out on Wednesday.