Thursday, August 9, 2012

Jbird and I had to be at the hospital at 9 Wednesday morning for his tonsillectomy.  Unfortunately the patient before us took longer, so we did not actually leave for the OR until close to 11:30.  The ENT came out about 20 minutes later and said all went fine.  I then waited until he was back in recovery and starting to wake up.  I waited and waited and waited.  Finally they called me back.  He was sound asleep and no chance of stirring.  (With the other two boys, they woke up fairly quickly).  I laid in bed with him for 1/2 an hour, then they took us out of recovery and into another room.  He slept another hour.  The nurse and I finally roused him awake.  Then we waited half an hour to make sure pain med was going to kick in.

We came home and some friends stopped by so he was up shooting baskets.  Not too much complaining.  However, it all started in the middle of the night.  Crying and crying.  He did not want to take the medicine.  I even offered a popsicle at 5am and he said no.  He also turned down the go-gurt this morning after breakfast.  Trying to keep fluids down him.  The other two boys never dealt much with pain.  I think this one might be different.

Of course I got a few pictures.

While we waited and waited and waited.  He loved having total control over the remote and the warm blankets.

A sacked out little guy.

Getting the royal treatment....could not pass up a ride in a wheel chair out to the car while drinking apple juice (which was after the popsicle and grape juice).

On the way home the long awaited strawberry milkshake.  He did drink too much though, telling me he was not feeling good.

The day prior was JB's birthday....a few more shots

I love this new look he gives for the camera

One of the candles was a 'magic' candle that kept relighting.  The boys had fun with it.

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