Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Some Tae Kwon Do pictures (I had to laugh at the choice of shoes for Joseph)

Joseph's motor planning issues are really showing up with Tae Kwon Do. He struggles with the precise, sequential movements.  He needed lots of one on one help.  I am hoping his brothers and JR will step up and help him outside of class.

Joseph made it through about 30 minutes and then was tired.

Friday, March 25, 2016

All three boys have started Tae Kwon Do.  They seem to be enjoying it.  Learning lots of respect and discipline (Yay!)  Once Joseph is back to 100%, I will have to try to take some pictures.

Last time we went to Tae Kwon Do I showed my boys how to use this.....
The Tae Kwon Do place is about a 5 minute bike ride and the boys will soon be riding their bikes on some days.  Since none of them have a cell phone, I found this phone in the Tae Kwon Do waiting room.  I wanted them to know how to use it in case they needed to call me for some reason.  I got such a kick out of using the phone.  Both older boys went over to use the phone and started to rotate the numbers before picking up the handset.  The whole process brought a huge smile to my face.

Over spring break we went on a field trip to a local cultural center/museum.  Probably the first museum the boys have visited.  We saw lots of ledger art which included some great satire ~ most of which the kids did not really get.

This piece was called "Wow, look real full blooded white people"

This was "William Tell Overture".  I don't think any of the kids got The Lone Ranger in this.

Then after the tour, the kids got to make their own ledger art.

One thing they definitely learned, you don't need clean white paper to draw!!!

Joseph is perking up.  As long as he takes food and water, he does good.  Without them, he just lies around.  You know your child doesn't feel good when they refuse popsicles.  He is symptom free, just tired.  He is gonna try going to school for an hour or two today and see how the stamina is.

A busy weekend.  Hoping to go to the Good Friday service tonight.  Then Saturday might try to make a community Easter Egg Hunt, depending on how Joseph feels.  Then Jacob's party Saturday afternoon and Easter Sunday.  No real plans for Easter ~ we were going to go to an Easter Brunch at a local hotel, but cancelled our reservations and instead will go to a big barn dance/dinner to raise money for a local Christian school the following weekend.  (Seems like a much better use of our money and a new experience for the boys)

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Another spring break has come and gone.  Although the weather was not the best, it was still a nice week.  Stayed pretty low key.

We did celebrate Jacob's 9th birthday.  (Not sure why I did not get a picture of him on his bday)

He insisted on having his best friend come over while he opened his family gifts.  He also wanted mac-n-cheese, which was easy for me.  The week before spring break, we baked some cupcakes and took to his classroom, so they could celebrate with him.

Because some of his friends were going to be gone over spring break, we decided to do his friend bday party this coming Saturday.  He has invited 11 3rd graders!  Yikes.  We are meeting at the elementary school and we will spend an hour playing football, soccer, etc.  Then walk back to our house for cake and ice cream.  Looks like the weather is gonna be nice.  A lot of the boys that are coming have gotten in trouble at school because they play too rough at recess.  Hoping for no injuries during my watch.

For the first time, the flu has descended upon our home.  Joseph tested positive for Influenza A on Monday.  He went to bed Saturday evening with a fever and it almost reached 105.  He is hit and miss on taking tylenol and he has flat our refused Tamiflu, which the doctor prescribed.  A friend of mine brought some 32 oz Gatorades by the house on Sunday.  He has yet to finish one of them, much to the dismay of his brothers ~ it drives them nuts to see Gatorade just sitting around.  I was concerned about dehydration, but he seems to be keeping it at bay.  Today he did not wake up until 3:30 pm and only got out of bed one time.  Fortunately, his biggest issue is a fever and lethargic!  So, I have cleared the rest of the week's schedule and plan on hanging at home with him.

Benjamin is skiing tomorrow with the homeschool group.  Then after skiing and school for Jacob, both boys have AWANA.  So Joseph and I will just hang out in bed for 12 hours!  Looking forward to doing lots of reading.

Monday, March 14, 2016

It has been a while since I posted.  I can guarantee you that it is not because there has been so much going on.  Still pretty quiet and calm these days!

We were giving out high fives this weekend.
He finally lost his first tooth...at 6 years, 7 months.  I keep hearing the later they lose their teeth the better it is.

This is  a random picture....I bought some sunflower seeds recently.  At the store I put them in a paper bag to purchase them.  I brought them home and almost immediately started noticing the oil on the bag.  Could not believe it...I have heard of sunflower oil and wondered 'where' it came from, so to speak.  After 24 hours, I put most of the seeds in a jar and left a thin later in the bag.  The oil kept appearing.  It was half way up the bag.  I don't know why I find that interesting enough to put on the blog.

The boys recently had their Grand Prix with Awana.  The older two made cars and had fun racing.  Joseph took a friend that night so he got to pick something out of the prize bucket....the glasses crack me up!

The kids are on spring break this week.  A fairly quite week.  We will spend one day in 'town'.  One day the boys are going to an all day camp while I go to work with JR.  Although it is not snowing here, it is snowing where he works.  I sure hope it clears up by the time I go to work, I really don't want to shovel snow!