Sunday, December 2, 2018

Another regular hunting season has come to a close.  JR and Jacob both harvested an animal. Jacob got a doe and JR got a buck.  We have meat in the freezer now! 

This next year, Joseph will be old enough to hunt.  Ben still does not express much interest in hunting, otherwise he would be out there with them.

I have been going through all of my pictures.  It seems I have them scattered in several different spots, so trying to spend a few hours a week consolidating them all into one spot.  Amazing how many I have, but I find I hardly ever take any right now.  Trying to remedy that because every year I print a collage for each boy of the past year's pictures.  Really hard to get a good collage when you only have 3-4 pictures. 

A few recent pictures that never made the blog for some reason.  I believe this was the picture taken on Halloween.  My little cowboy is quickly catching up with me.  He is already 4 and half feet tall!

Up until recently, this was a very common sight in our house.  I felt like it was taking over our home and unbelievable the adverse behaviors and attitudes I was seeing.  So, it is gone.  We have been screen free, for the most part in our house for over 2 weeks.  I decided I was going to invest in lots of board games and make sure that I am available and free to hang with the boys after school.  I can see small changes and hope we can only continue on the path.

A rare photo of Ben!!!!

I am currently in Abilene.  I flew down to spend three nights with my dad!  Fun to get away and be here!  Thankful that the boys are able to fend for themselves during times like this.

Snow is on the ground and looks like it is finally here to stay!  Things were slowing down a bit at work, but appears that they are going to pick up a little bit.  So thankful for the extra money and a great flexible job!!