Friday, September 20, 2019

Earlier in the summer,  a group of friends, on a whim, decided to buy an old 1969 camper.   We wanted to fix it up and then flip it.  There were 9 of us and I don't recommend tackling a project this size with that many different people and personalities.  The first three weeks, we started off strong and then things came to a stand still.  We hit a big snafu with the cushions.  The camper is pretty much finished, minus the cushions.  Not real sure when it will be completely finished and sold.
Here are some before photos.

Here are a few after photos, minus the cushions.

Flipping a house seems too daunting, but if I had the space, I would love to tackle another project like this, just with one or two others.

Monday, September 16, 2019

It is soccer time.  Joseph has had two games already and won both of them!

He managed to catch the ball and keep them from scoring.  One of the games he had the last score of the game!

Not sure what he was doing below, but this picture makes me smile.

Jacob's first football game is Thursday!

The next 10 days or so sees our high temps in the high 50s and low to mid 60s!  Fall is quickly rolling in!

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Things continue to roll along behind us, in what use to be our field!  There are probably 50 dwellings that are either finished or somewhere in the process of being completed.

They have started work on the walking path behind our house.
If you look on the left, you can see the power station, for lack of a better word, they have had to build.  Next spring the new elementary school construction will begin and since the area is rural, they had to bring in all the services to handle the influx of people.  That was always such a nice view for a sunset.

A recent bridge jumping outing.  Watch Jacob, just to the left of the kid in the black shorts.

Again, I never seem to know if the video is going to load, until it is live.  (If you are receiving this blog post via email, you will have to visit the actual website, to see the video.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Jacob and Joseph have spent a lot of time at the skate park recently.

Some cool photos.  Jacob has been working on what is called a tail whip.  This is when he is in the air, he kicks the base of the scooter around, either 360 degrees or 720 and then lands back on the scooter.  I think all of these pictures I took, he landed it.

I love this one, with Joseph looking on and the concentration on Jacob's face.  I think he just grabbed the scooter mid air and then let go.

Joseph is starting to land straight jumps.

Monday, September 2, 2019

Happy Labor Day!!!  And JR's 50th today.

What is he doing, you wonder???  Over the last 6 months or so Jacob has had 2 episodes where you struggled to take deep breaths and had a persistent cough.  The only way to rule in/out asthma was to have a lung function test.  They take a baseline, then he inhales a specific drug for 30 seconds, waits a few minutes then performs the same breathing techniques.  He was to do 6 rounds of this.  Typically during round 5 or 6 is when people tend to struggle with their breathing and start showing adverse reactions to the medicine.  Jacob started struggling at round 4.  It was pretty evident, pretty quick.  The test was then stopped and the symptoms were reversed with a nebulizer.

It was quite fascinating.  Usually when someone has a 20% reduction in lung function the test is stopped and they are determined to have asthma.  Jacob went from 16% in one test and then immediately to 40% the next test.  So, he reacted pretty strongly.  However, his symptoms are not that obvious.  I think he was really surprised that he tested for asthma.  We are going to follow up with primary doc next week, but guessing he will be put on a low dose daily steroid (it is inhaled so goes directly to the lungs and no side effects that come from regular steroids, or so I am told.

He was a champ and did awesome during the two hour test.  The gal administering the test was so impressed by him!