Sunday, May 31, 2009


The first camping trip this summer. JR decided last minute to take the boys out. So, I enjoyed a quiet evening, working on projects (I think I could have a whole week and still not get everything done!) They had a great time and took bikes, balls, etc. (Pictures below).
J continues to make great strides in his speech. Still not where he should be but putting 3 and 4 words together. As I leave his room as night he says "No Ma, Lay Me" (lay down with me). One of his biggest words right now is "nice" and depending on the context, he is either saying "be nice" or "not nice".
B on the other hand...This was a recent conversation. We were working a jigsaw puzzle. He was trying to put two pieces together that did not go together.
"B, those don't go together."
"Yes they do Mom"
"No they don't"
"Yes they do" and then a slight pause "Are you arguing with me?"
"No, B I am not"
"Yes you are mom"
"No, I am not, just stating the fact"
"Are you lying to me mom?"
Oh, the hard concept of authority and I am the parent, you are the child!
Some pictures of the recent camping outing, plus a few of JR's recent adventures.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Summer is "officially" here!

The Kindergarten Graduation and Field Day went well. The kids sure had fun! The weather was beautiful!!!! Here is a picture of B 'graduating' and one of his teacher, Miss Tina.

We went fishing over the weekend and J loved it...He would not put the pole down and if you ask him about it, all he does is say "fish" and move his arm in the casting motion.

Another one of the boys...

The other day we were driving in the car and B said "I want to go to the store where Grandmas and Grandpas go to die". Stumped I inquired further..."Miss Tina was telling us about a store or place where Grandmas and Grandpas go to die and they are buried or something". They must have been reading a book at school that talked about cemeteries. I guess later this week we will go visit our local cemetery.
Last week I took B to an ENT to get him checked out. He has problems breathing at night and what I would call sleep apnea. I think some of it is related to his allergies and the foods that he eats. After a neck x-ray and a night of sleeping hooked up to a pulse oxymeter, the ENT has found his adnoids are pretty large and he does have mild sleep apnea. So, we currently have him scheduled for late July to get both tonsils and adenoids removed. I am not totally sold on it yet, but at least have it scheduled. Seems like some think these surgeries help and others have had different experiences. It is an out patient, couple hour thing and they cauterize (sp) them with a laser. Amazing what they can do these days. What I don't understand, and will have to ask the doctor is if it is so minimally invasive, why do they warn of a 1-2 week recovery period.
Other than speech therapy for J and weekly bible study for me, nothing else on the weekly summer schedule. We do have a trip planned to Colorado in June and B will participate in a one week sports camp through the Y and other than anticipating baby, nothing else planned. Looking forward to a summer spent outdoors doing whatever we feel like doing. The boys are already getting a 'tan' and everybody's hair is getting lighter. Of course JR looks like he has spent weeks at the beach.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Kindergarten here we come

We had B's preschool spring program tonight. Hard to believe the year is gone. Tomorrow is his last day, a 'field' day. Will try to upload some pictures in the next couple of days.
Had my 28 week appt today. Everything appears fine. Everyone seems to think it is a girl. The envelope is still sealed!
The cows have come back to the back pasture behind our house. They appear every summer for 2-4 weeks. Don't really know where they get their water source so the neighbors and JR have started turning the water hose on them. The boys are quite excited about this and I am thinking it will become a nightly tradition!
Not much else happening, just enjoying the beautiful summer here!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Memorial Day

Looks like a beautiful weekend, with no snow in the forecast for the first time in several years. No special plans. JR took the boys out fishing this morning, so I got some things done around the house.
This past week we have been watching the tree outside our house. For about 10 days it gets beautiful flowers (I have no idea what kind of tree). There have been probably around 100 bees buzzing in the tree. Fortunately they don't bother us since we literally walk 1 foot from the tree.

Here is a picture of the fish he caught today....

Sunday, May 17, 2009

My Favorite so far

I think the only way I can get them both to look at the camera and smile at the same time is when they are wrestling....

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Can you tell the days are getting nicer! We are out and about more! Yeah. Everyday I thank God for what a blessing the boys are. Just so much fun and so neat to see each of their personalities emerging. B is down to his last 3 weeks of preschool! Once that is done, we will have no weekly commitments for the summer, except J's therapy. He is making good progress and one of my friends commented just this past week how much more he is 'talking'. (He has even started 'praying' before meals and at bedtime....when it is his turn, we just hear lots of babbling and then an amen, but hey, I know God understands....) He is being evaluated on Thursday by a Physical Therapist to see if there are any balance/control issues. Both of the boys had their yearly check-ups this past week. B got his 5 year shots, 3 of them, and did not even flinch. He was sitting in my lap and I could not believe how well he did. J did not get any shots. They both got good bill of health and the doctor was very impressed with both of them.
The potty training slowly continues. We are still not really on top of it like we should be for it to all come together but he is still doing good. I am trying to get the boys back into a morning and evening routine. I still have not found that one 'motivator' for B to get him to clean up, etc. He sure is great at trying to pass off any 'chores' to his brother!
Tomorrow we are headed on a short road trip. Just really wanting to get out of town for the day and go eat at one of my favorite restaurants for Mother's Day. The best chicken fried steak I have found in these parts.
JR finished his first week back at work this week. Yeah, after 10 weeks off, we were all ready for the change. He is still at 32 hours but hopefully it will pick back up to 40 hours in the next month or so.
Went out hiking with the boys today. Their first hike of the season. It was all uphill and B made it the whole 3 miles up! That was further than mom made it - I was not 100% today. J did fairly well and walked the first 30 minutes and then opted for the backpack. Really hoping to get some hikes in every week. Really hoping both boys take to hiking without too much grumbling. They seem to both be motivated by the Gatorade!
Happy Mother's Day to all you moms!!!