Wednesday, February 25, 2009

15 weeks

Yesterday the local Crisis Pregnancy center called me and said they would love to do(practice) another ultrasound. So today I went in for a 15 week shot. The baby is measuring accurately to the day! That little kid was very active. Could it have been the cheesecake and hot chocalte I had a few hours before going in?? In another 5 weeks I will get the 'big' ultrasound. I think I have decided to be surprised and not find out!
This past weekend was beautiful and I was introduced to one of JRs fishing spots. An awesome place about 5 minutes from us. The river was great and the boys easily played for over an hour throwing rocks, digging in the sand with sticks, etc. We had so much fun, B and I went back the next day and took a 5th grade boy from church with us. (Whenever I ask B who he wants to have a playdate with, he often mentions the older kids.) We had a blast and stayed 2 hours. They were trying to figure out if they could 'loosen' a little chunck of ice so they could stand on it to float down the river. As much as I would have loved to see that (the water was pretty low), I redirected them.
The last 2 weeks or so things with J are really coming together. I think we are going to do another evaluation and see where he is in regards to where he should be with speech and oral awareness.
JR has been home this week, so nice for me to get a few breaks, although I am not making much headway on my projects!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Life continues on

Not much going on here other than the usual. J is finding himself in underwear more often. Things are slowly starting to come together for him. I am still waiting for him to initiate going to the bathroom, but at least now he will tell me right after he goes! Potty trained by his 2nd birthday would be huge but not banking on it. There is a 6th grade girl at church that due to medical reasons is being homeschooled this semester. Both of her parents work during the day so she has started coming over here one day a week. Sure is nice having another set of hands around, especially when J is sleeping and I need to run B somewhere. The other day we were at a 'daycare' type setting. As we got ready to leave, B had a car in his hand that I did not recognize and did not recall him bringing with him. When I inquired, he was adamant that it was his and he had brought it. Usually when he is not telling the truth he cannot look me in the eye with a straight face. After a few minutes, I decided he had never given me a reason to doubt him and I will trust him on in, but we talked at length about lying. The next day B saw J eating some candy. He immediately put his hands on his hips and said "J, did mom give you that candy?" J mumbled something and then B said "you better be telling me the truth because if you are lying to me you will be in trouble." Of course B came straight to me to get the facts. My boys just crack me up. You can be in a room 20 feet away and if they hear plastic, they come running afraid someone is opening something they might not get to eat. Here is a video from when JR went winter camping. He made the video for his dad, that is why it is in Spanish. He is unable to email the video for some reason, so I told him I would post it. If you don't know Spanish, enjoy the scenery anyway. (If I did not already post it, I found it very interesting when he went camping. His element is being in the outdoors. The more quiet and secluded he is, the better. He called me twice - he happened to have cell service where he was. He was complaining about how quiet it was! Maybe he is getting use to the chaos!)

Friday, February 13, 2009

A whole week

I can't believe it has been a week since I last posted. We have just been cruising along. I am still feeling a 10 out of 10! I often forget that I am pregnant! The boys are keeping me active. For some reason J has been waking up about 5:45 in the mornings and very rarely can we get him back to sleep. He takes about a 3 hour nap in the afternoon. I sure long for the days when they would sleep in until 7:30.
B had a Valentine party at preschool and of course he got loaded up on candy! Can't there be a party or holiday without sugar!
The other day I had put J in his room and sometime later heard a call of distress. I went in there and he was sitting on top of his dresser. I have already moved the dresser over a foot from the bed and it is about 5 feet tall. Not real sure how he is getting up there, well, of course I know but just can't believe he is making the reach. He continues to use the potty but only when we initiate. If I could just remember to take him every 30-45 minutes all would be good. He has finally said his first 'full' word. "Out". I am not sure why he has such a hard time closing off words, but he now has one under his belt.
Most of my conversations with B are dominated by "Mom, I just want to ask you a question...", "Mom, how about....", "Mom, listen to me..." or asking one of 20 questions about what I am doing at any particular moment.
JR worked 4 days this week and should have at least 3 days next week. We are all thinking once spring hits, things should pick up. Of course we have had beautiful spring weather most of February. Makes me wonder what the summer holds.
Here are a few pics, most of which are from the park today!

Friday, February 6, 2009

12 weeks

This past week I had my 12 week appt. Heard a good, strong heartbeat! Already starting to get the question "Are you going to find out what you are having?". As far as I am concerned, the verdict is still out. I found out with the first two, but this will be a planned, scheduled c-section, so might be nice to keep something a surprise. (I guess the kid could always make an early entrance though.)
We have been staying close to home! JR has gone out winter camping this afternoon/evening. I can't wait until it warms up enough for him to take the boys out for an overnight. There is of course so much I want to get done, cleaned, organized, projects finished, etc. I am currently working on my t-shirt quilt. I have everything cut out and ready to put together, just trying to figure the best way to put it together.
J continues to use the potty some. We give him some Pez candy when he does, so there is a little bit of incentive. He has started making the connection with peeing in there, he just has not gotten the 'logistics' down. He will sit on the potty but forget to aim in the toilet. I forgot to tell JR this little tidbit. JR got excited when J took him by the hand and walked to the bathroom. J climbed on the toilet and insisted that JR sit on the stool in front of him. When J started peeing, I dont' think JR had moved that fast in a long time. However, we reward it, because at least he is trying!
JR and I are going out to dinenr with another couple friend tomorrow night. (I have a mystery dinner shop I need to do.) I don't know when the last time was we went out with another couple and no kids. Will be really nice. Hope to get some dominoes in!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


More beautiful weather. I was actually outside in shorts today and it was nice. Low 50s with great sun and no wind. Oh for those days to be here to stay for several months.
Having J in 'underwear' has not been too bad. Yesterday I got him to the bathroom as he was in the middle of a poop, so he finally made the connection. Then today I randomly put him on the potty and he pooped. He is so proud of himself. Normally the poop is the last thing to click with the kids but maybe he will be backwards. After all, those are the messy ones. I am able to keep up with the washing of the underwear. All of this is a trial run for possibly cloth diapers. I know it sounds horrid but if you have not checked out cloth diapers in the last 10 years, they are amazingly simple. We will see. I definately want J out of diapers by the time the next one arrives and hopefully we are moving in the right direction.
Sure is nice having JR around the house this week. An extra set of hands sure makes things easier! Sounds like though a little work is lining up so hopefully for his sanity he will get some hours in next week.