Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Life continues on

Not much going on here other than the usual. J is finding himself in underwear more often. Things are slowly starting to come together for him. I am still waiting for him to initiate going to the bathroom, but at least now he will tell me right after he goes! Potty trained by his 2nd birthday would be huge but not banking on it. There is a 6th grade girl at church that due to medical reasons is being homeschooled this semester. Both of her parents work during the day so she has started coming over here one day a week. Sure is nice having another set of hands around, especially when J is sleeping and I need to run B somewhere. The other day we were at a 'daycare' type setting. As we got ready to leave, B had a car in his hand that I did not recognize and did not recall him bringing with him. When I inquired, he was adamant that it was his and he had brought it. Usually when he is not telling the truth he cannot look me in the eye with a straight face. After a few minutes, I decided he had never given me a reason to doubt him and I will trust him on in, but we talked at length about lying. The next day B saw J eating some candy. He immediately put his hands on his hips and said "J, did mom give you that candy?" J mumbled something and then B said "you better be telling me the truth because if you are lying to me you will be in trouble." Of course B came straight to me to get the facts. My boys just crack me up. You can be in a room 20 feet away and if they hear plastic, they come running afraid someone is opening something they might not get to eat. Here is a video from when JR went winter camping. He made the video for his dad, that is why it is in Spanish. He is unable to email the video for some reason, so I told him I would post it. If you don't know Spanish, enjoy the scenery anyway. (If I did not already post it, I found it very interesting when he went camping. His element is being in the outdoors. The more quiet and secluded he is, the better. He called me twice - he happened to have cell service where he was. He was complaining about how quiet it was! Maybe he is getting use to the chaos!)

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