Friday, February 13, 2009

A whole week

I can't believe it has been a week since I last posted. We have just been cruising along. I am still feeling a 10 out of 10! I often forget that I am pregnant! The boys are keeping me active. For some reason J has been waking up about 5:45 in the mornings and very rarely can we get him back to sleep. He takes about a 3 hour nap in the afternoon. I sure long for the days when they would sleep in until 7:30.
B had a Valentine party at preschool and of course he got loaded up on candy! Can't there be a party or holiday without sugar!
The other day I had put J in his room and sometime later heard a call of distress. I went in there and he was sitting on top of his dresser. I have already moved the dresser over a foot from the bed and it is about 5 feet tall. Not real sure how he is getting up there, well, of course I know but just can't believe he is making the reach. He continues to use the potty but only when we initiate. If I could just remember to take him every 30-45 minutes all would be good. He has finally said his first 'full' word. "Out". I am not sure why he has such a hard time closing off words, but he now has one under his belt.
Most of my conversations with B are dominated by "Mom, I just want to ask you a question...", "Mom, how about....", "Mom, listen to me..." or asking one of 20 questions about what I am doing at any particular moment.
JR worked 4 days this week and should have at least 3 days next week. We are all thinking once spring hits, things should pick up. Of course we have had beautiful spring weather most of February. Makes me wonder what the summer holds.
Here are a few pics, most of which are from the park today!

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