Sunday, August 30, 2009

A proud American

Most of you all probably have not seen some of the pictures that JR likes to take, particularly of the boys when they are little. He gets quite creative. This is the latest one that he took and sent to my family. They have all enjoyed it so much, figured I would post it.
Here is the text of the email that he included with the picture....

This is why I am able to sleep so good at night; I was born in the greatest country in the world, I am free to worship GOD and I can have a gun as well. I can not use or shoot my rifle yet, but my dad sure can..!!!!
GOD bless America ...
kisses to everyone.
Future US Navy Seal

Friday, August 28, 2009

Bath time

B had a great time yesterday at school. His first comment, and the one thing he told anyone who asked, is that he got to go to the playground three times. I also, finally, witnessed him doing the monkey bars by himself. All summer he had been too scared but sounds like watching all the other kids gave him some motivation mom could not provide. Last night we laid in bed and he rambled off all kinds of things about his day - who misbehaved, who brought their lunch, who had what backpack, etc. He said his teacher is the best because she lets them do things they like!
J is doing well with speech therapy. The therapist said that most of his sounds are there, he just needs the repetition. She is really working on 'oral secretion management' - ie drool. Seems that he forgets to swallow so still trying to make him aware of that. The last piece of the puzzle is getting his 'marker' words. Instead of "Mom, lay me" we are working on "Mom, will you lay with me". He omits all the "the, and, with, to", etc. words. She said once he gets this, we can look at discharge. Either way, it looks like he will be done mid March, when he turns three and no longer receives services through this one agency we have been dealing with.
JB sure enjoyed his bath today as did J as he helped me. He loves to kick and squirm in the warm water. I have noticed that he also loves his sleep. I knew he loved to sleep, but now he has a definite "put me in bed Mom, so I can sleep" cry.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

He is off!

B is at Kindergarten! We were actually on time, a few minutes early! He immediately took off to play on the playground until the bell rang. He was a little nervous, asking how he would know when the bell rang, if he would know where to go, etc. He was so excited last night he could not sleep. We laid in bed together and talked until he fell asleep.
These are the times that I am very thankful I have had 5 years to be at home with him to help 'train him up' and build into his little life. From here, it will be lots of covering him in prayer as he begins his first step of gaining 'wings' so to speak.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Last week of 'summer'

Hard to believe that summer has come and gone!
B starts Kindergarten on Thursday. I was talking with someone today about it and when I told them who his teacher was, they replied that I am gonna want to stay on 'top of her'. I inquired further and was told that she is okay but I want to make sure that I stay in close contact with his teacher and make sure that B is being challenged. So, not that I want to push my child, but it sounds like his teacher might be one that does not really challenge some kids and knowing B, he is going to need that or he will get bored and probably into trouble.
JB loved his first shower. He still continues to sleep and eat, in that order! As long as I get 4 hour stretches at night, who can complain.
J is continuing with therapy and from the sounds of it, his therapist is wanting to test him again because she thinks he is getting close to being on age appropriate level.
Off to try to stick to the new bedtime routine. It took an hour last night of going in and spanking them before they 'got it' and settled down. I anticipate a shorter 'fight' tonight because J has not napped and he is usually the one that keeps B up late with his antics.

Friday, August 21, 2009

JR has taken the two older boys camping tonight, so looking forward to a quiet evening!!! This past week we took the boys out to a forest service cabin where an out of state friend was staying and got a few more pics of the boys. JB continues to do well, mainly sleeping and eating, in that order! Both of the other boys seem to have adjusted well. Not sure how J will deal when big brother B heads to school next week. JR is enjoying his new job!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Is there a baby in the house?

Little JB continues to amaze me. Every day I think he will 'come out of' his sleepy newborn state, but he continues to nap anywhere from 3-5 hours throughout the day and night. (If I can get him to stay awake for 30 minutes after eating, that is a huge accomplishment.) He is eating very well although I don't have him on any kind of schedule because I hate the thought of waking a sleeping baby. His umbilical cord has come off, so it will be time for the ceremonial 'first shower' with dad in the next day or so. (They are too slippery when wet for me to handle). Hopefully JB will come to love showers as much as his brothers. Every night they happily hop in the shower, sit under the water and play with their toys until the 'hot' runs out.
Kindergarten will start next week for B so we will soon be gearing up for the new school schedule. Can't believe he will be in school. I think it will be a great change of pace for him and fill that big social need that he has.
Thursday my mom leaves so the real test will begin! No more sitting around while someone else does all the work!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Settling In

We are settling in. JB (Joseph Bailey) sleeps and sleeps. He usually goes a 4 hour stretch, be it day or night. So that means that I am only getting up once in the middle of the night. I like this! The only time I have ever heard him cry is when he is dirty or hungry. It is amazing how he already knows my voice and it instantly calms him in the middle of the night. He is just a calm, relaxed little kiddo that is very alert, when he opens his eyes. The boys are doing well with him. J loves to give him lots of kisses and hold him and B has already given him a bottle.
I am feeling pretty good. Usually by the end of the day I am ready for bed but certainly getting up and around well.

Monday, August 10, 2009

More Changes

The first night home went well. Got more sleep here than I had been getting at the hospital, although JR did not. He was up retrieving JB for me, etc. Was noticing today that both of the other boys had dark, really long eye lashes and little JB does not have any eyelashes or eye brows. He might tend towards the red head characteristics of Momma. His hair is a light brown, but we will see as he grows.
I went through the pictures JR took after the birth and found one that was too cute, from when they were giving him his first bath. According to JR, he loved the bath.

On a totally different note, another big change. After lots of prayer, JR has decided to leave his electrical apprenticeship and go to work for a property management company in the area. He was offered the same job a few months ago but did not feel it was right at the time. We tried waiting out the economy and things just are not picking up as quickly as we had hoped. This job offer was almost equivalent to his other job but guaranteed work. So, he begins on Wednesday. He has given a 2 year commitment so he could always pick up the apprenticeship later down the road when the construction industry stabilizes. We are just thankful that God brought the job offer back around to us and made it very clear through some circumstances that this was right.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Home from the hospital

We arrived home Sunday afternoon. 24 hours earlier than anyone thought, but I was feeling good, up and moving and the baby was doing great. I was not getting much sleep (despite the baby going for 4 plus hour stretches of sleep) so looking forward to some good sleep tonight. We did not decide on a name until just before leaving the hospital. (Despite what you have heard, you can leave the hospital without a name, you just have to have one within 10 days). So, we decided on Joseph Bailey (JB going forward on the blog...So we have a JR, B, J and now JB.)
The boys have been great. Always wanting to hold him, soothe him, etc. When I got home today, forgot how painful it can be to laugh. B and J had put up streamers and decorated the house. B had put a streamer across the front door and told me I had to break it. So, I reached out with my hand and broke it, to which I got "Mom, you were suppose to break it with your stomach." Needless to say, I started laughing, was soon doubled over crying and supporting myself with the wall. B looks at me very seriously and says "mom, you really do not look good!". I was glad when I finally got to a chair to sit for a while.
Nothing planned this week but laying around and adjusting to life with a little one. More pictures hopefully later this week.

Mom and Baby are doing good.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Another boy in the family

Baby News!

God has blessed us with a 7 lb 8 oz baby boy!!! Benjamin and Jacob are thrilled to have a baby brother! Shannon and baby are doing very well....Jose says he has a possible quarterback! No other details as to name etc. Pictures and more information posted tonight hopefully! Benjamin, Jacob and I are on our way to the hospital.....I am so proud and thankful for this beautiful family! Granny

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Hangin In....

No other words at this point. Just hanging in and looks like I might make it until Friday.....