Sunday, November 27, 2016

Sorry I checked out the last couple of weeks.  Seems like ever since the election, I have stayed away from anything online.  Not sure why, just seemed like there was so much yuck out there.

Anyway, not much has been happening here lately.  We had a quiet Thanksgiving with beautiful weather, in the low 50s.  A storm is moving in, so snow is on the way.

The boys plod along with school.  Some doing better than others, but it is all a learning curve.  I continue to love my quiet days while they are at school ~ so much so that having them home the last 5 days has been tough.  The older I get the more I retreat into my own little world and am just fine with that.

Here are their school pictures.

I was recently looking at pictures from 9-12 months ago and could not believe how much they have all changed!

I will be better about blogging through the winter months, but no promises.  Just in a technology funk right now!

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Random pictures from the last couple of months that I never posted.

A local hardware store has a pumpkin find every year.  They hide pumpkins throughout the store.  When you find one, you win a prize that corresponds with the number on the pumpkin.

Not a great picture, but want it for the memory.  This was on Joseph's last day of private speech therapy.  He is doing speech 2 times a week at school though.

I am always amazed when I go to recess with this kid.  The girls just stand around and watch him.  So cute.

Rattlesnake hunting with JR.  Not sure if it was a good thing or not that we did not see anything.

Learning to chop wood at an early age!

From the overnight camping trip when JR took the boys.

Inside the tent.

Rattlesnake hunting and shooting.

Eeeck...He found about 40 last year and probably just a fourth of that this year.  Amazing how nice the skins turn out.  I would love for him and the boys to create a job, like selling rattlesnake hat bands.  I think could be great little job for the boys and does not require a lot, other than finding the snakes.

He is so proud of his splits.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Last weekend I attended a one night retreat. It was a beautiful house on the river.

This was the view from the hammock on the river!

This was a really nice, screened in fire pit porch.

Looking out the living room window.  Such a nice place to get away for 24 hours.  Makes me wish we had a little more room, but some day!

Halloween was pretty low key. The boys went out for about an hour. My flexible ninja.

JB and his dad.

Jacob was with a friend. They were late meeting up with us, because the friends dad saw a buck at dinner time in his back yard, so he had to shoot it and gut it quickly! A huge benefit of living in the country.

Benjamin tagged along, with out a costume.

Some random pictures.
Not a great picture but just love it when the clouds settle like this.

Benjamin dressed up as Sparky recently for our Awana Club.  He hammed it up well.

Another football pic of Jacob and his best bud, Cam.

Benjamin went hunting with his dad recently.  Saw some stuff but did not get a good shot at anything.

My monkey climbing kid, who now has braces!

Just love the slow, lazy days! Fall is struggling to hang on. Just a matter of time before the snow comes and stays!