Thursday, October 10, 2019

Just one photo....

Benjamin is taking welding and really, really enjoying it.  He wanted am auto darkening helmet.  Very cool feature!   Next time we have a solar eclipse, a welding helmet is what I am going to grab.

He has also been talking about 2 trips that the school takes.  Every other year they go to Europe and Costa Rica.  He is actually interested in Europe!  It is a 2 week-ish trip right after his junior year.  He has even been brainstorming some fundraising options.  Of course I would love for him to travel all he can.

Friday, October 4, 2019

My mom was here last week for a visit!  Finally getting pictures uploaded.  It was a very busy week.  Between football games, fall festival and doing some things around the house, not much time for anything else.

How easy is it to spot Jacob...The only one who has hair below his helmet, although no helmet in this photo. 

Here is Ben, on the right, number 65!

We had our annual fall festival.  The weather for the parade was wet and cold. 

Scooby Doo made an appearance

Jacob finishes football on Monday and Benajmin will continue playing until the end of October, as will Joseph and soccer.  Come first of November, life will begin to crawl around here.  It will be nice to have everyone here for dinner!!