Sunday, February 11, 2018

We are in the middle of some cold temps!  The good news, it is almost mid February, so it won't last long.

Jacob is in the middle of his YMCA basketball season.  It has been a huge learning experience for him.  The league is for 4th-6th grade.  When the Y put the teams together, they did not ask playing experience or anything.  Jacob is the only 5th grader on his team of 4th graders.  A lot of his teammates do not have much experience.  I told him instead of being frustrated and upset that all of his friends are on another team and his team is the youngest, that this is his opportunity to shine as a leader.  As the oldest he can set the tone on the court.  He has stepped up and done that the last 2 games!  So proud of my boy.

Benjamin is coming to the end of his DC fundraising.  He has stepped it up and done well.  I still think bagging groceries has been his favorite.  It is always fun to see him in situations where he rises to the occasion.  He is so personable and quickly turning into a young man.  High School is just around the corner!!

The other night at 2:45 am, we were both woken up by a knock at the door.  I instantly realized what was going on.  Bree had been put outside at 10:30 before we went to bed and no one let her back in.  A neighbor knocked on our door because she finally started barking about 2 am.  Poor dog.  I don't think I have ever seen her run upstairs to her bed so fast.

We all found a house we really liked!  All of us could see us in the house and had several conversations about where things would go, etc.  However, there is not a peace to make an offer on this house.  I don't understand it, but we will wait.  Maybe it will come together later or another/better house will come our way.  There is quite a bit of building that will happen this summer, two huge subdivisions, so maybe to our advantage to wait. 

Plans are underway for some upcoming travel adn summer plans.  Can't believe it is time for that!