Sunday, March 28, 2010


We have gotten out and raked the yard and guess what, starting to see some green grass. I know we need the moisture, but sure would be nice if we did not get any more snow for 8 months. Last night as I went to bed at 9:30 the temp was 51. That is amazing for late March.
The t-ball meeting with B went well. I felt bad because all the boys got put together to throw the ball. B obviously was matched up with a kid that had played quite a bit of ball. B would wildly throw to him and all the kid did was run around the gym floor trying to get the balls. I think that kid's dad was getting frustrated for his kid. Later I saw the kid throwing with his dad and he did not miss one ball that was thrown to him and he always threw everything right to his dad. So, yesterday I got outside with B and started throwing the ball. The first ball I threw him he got scared and turned around and it hit him right on top of the head. He has learned do not turn your back on the ball. Then later he was not paying attention and I threw the ball and he moved his glove and the ball landed on his toe - yes, my kids love being barefoot. We have a long way to come but he did end up catching about half of what I threw him.
Before our trip I was doing really well with JB's food. It seems like every other day now he gets really red cheeks - often times just after eating food. (I don't really recall red cheeks in Texas.) I know that teething can cause this but I guess I am back to one food at a time. The only thing I know he can handle is bananas, green beans and peas. (Take that back, I just fed him bananas and he almost instantly got red cheeks.) I think carrots, applesauce, squash and peaches bother him. Uuuggghhh. I made some homemade squash and zucchini the other day (he seemed to tolerate zucchini farely well). I just could not bring myself to puree peas and green beans though.
JB can now go from a laying down position to sitting up. He loves his new found freedom. Whenver I catch him in another part of the room, he just looks at me and laughs.
Off to supervise showers and hopefully have some peace and quiet in another 45 minutes or so.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Settling Back In

It has taken me most of the week to feel like I am settled back in. Getting my new 'office' completely set up has been a week long process and still not 100% there. I have been cleaning out and have a pile started of stuff to put on Craigslist hopefully sometime soon. Most of it is the boys' toys. I am finally tired of all the stuff with lots of little parts. I have had to hide the stuff in the laundry room under a towel, otherwise they would somehow find it and pull it all out again. I had bought some organizing stuff while in Texas from Ikea and Container Store and it is amazing the difference, when organizing is done right.
JB is rockin and rolling. There have been a few times where it really looked like he propelled himself forward while his knees were underneath him. Now time for the diligently scanning the floor at all times to make sure there is nothing that could go in the mouth. He still does not have a tooth (I did not get one until after my first b-day). He is definately later than the other two.
B has enjoyed being back at school. I did take him to try out for the school play but, I made the mistake of sticking around after I dropped him off. He was fine initially then came and sat beside me and decided he did not want to stay. Probably best because he was exhausted from the trip. Him and I are going to go see the play tomorrow, so will be good for him to see the finished product. B has also learned this week how to blow up balloons. This makes me so happy because when they do come across balloons, they have spent days asking me to blow them up. J has actually been able to get air in a couple of them too.
Just about warm enough to get the bike trailer out. Really ready to start taking the younger two while B is in school.
Totally random....Today I went out shopping and was picking up some baby food at Target. I hear all the time about what an obese nation we are and how school age children are starting to have health issues that normal adults have later in life. Well, I could not believe it today when I saw Macaroni and Cheese baby food! What in the world is up with that. Are the fruits and veggies just not tasty enough for 6 or 8 month old babies?
Here are a few more pictures from our trip that I never got downloaded.

These next two are from when we went to the Stockyards in Fort Worth. The boys thought this convertible cadillac was pretty cool and the second picture is of them in their longhorn balloon hats that a guy made for them. (B's high waters just kill me, that is why this evening I pulled out his 6/7 clothes)

This was taken at my aunt's house. They have an awesome yard with a really cool sidewalk that the boys used as a race track.

JB after a bath.

Monday, March 22, 2010


We are home!!!!
I am thanking God that the weather was clear all but about 15 minutes of the trip. (It is suppose to snow all week here at home). Actually all day Sunday the weather was sunny and mid 60s most of the way.
We left Texas 2:15pm on Saturday and got home Sunday at 9:15pm. Pretty good for only 1 driver and 3 small kids. It helped that JB woke me up Sunday morning at 5am and I could not go to sleep, so we left the motel Sunday at 5:30. Made for a very long day but they were troopers. The boys did not even watch one DVD on the way home. They sat in the back coloring and playing. When it would get quiet, it did not take long for J to start knock knock jokes. If you have never been privileged to hear jokes learned from 5 year old brother, let me share. It goes something like this....
Knock Knock
Whose there
Underwear who
Underwear.....on your head.
The next time it would be underwear on your foot, etc. Only 5 year old boys and their little brothers could laugh at those.
21 days, 7 different 'beds' and 4,464 miles. I am pleased to say that only one thing ended up MIA and that was a pair of pajama bottoms. Only 3 items were left at a stop but they have all been found. (I have figured out how to do things differently- and more efficiently-for our big road trip late May out to Ohio to see my oldest niece graduate from high school.)
Saturday morning before leaving I was able to get together with all 13 cousins (minus my sister) on my dad's side. Sure was fun to see the next generation coming up and to watch everyone interact. I think it had been at least 10 years since the last time we got together and sadly, all but 3 of us live within 4 hours of each other.
On Saturday late afternoon as I was pushing along, I was on a two lane road headed west. The sunset was dead center, huge and right in front of me on the horizon. Sure was beautiful but made the oncoming traffic silhoutted. We passed more wind turbine farms and this time it was daylight. We were talking about the massive size and J pipes up with "Wow, spiderman could climb those" to which B said "I bet you he could even throw his web and swing between them.
I was so excited to get to my favorite gas station in northern Wyoming. On the way down the gas was 2.29. I was shocked to find out 3 weeks later it was 2.57.
JB spent a total of 31 hours in his carseat (I left him sleeping in it when we got to the motel) with the exception of the 2-3 minutes I would take him out to change him. The last 2 hours of the trip, even the laid back whatever kid was crying and ready to be home. He will be on the floor playing for the next couple of days.
Yeehaw for Motel 6. I found two of them on the road that were under $35 (including tax). Definitely the way to go if you are just there to sleep.
JR did quite a few projects around the house. One of which was finally setting up my new 'office'. He definitely missed all the chaos and is glad to have us back home.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

On the Lake

A friend took us out on the lake today. Actually, we took the boat across the lake last night for dinner. Sure was fun. Kind of like jumping on a snowmobile to go somewhere up north. The boys really liked it. It was warmer today when we went out.

JB is one of the happiest, smiliest babies I know.

For some reason I really like shots from behind....

This was a really cool plane that we saw land. It looked much nicer than the typical sea planes. Sure wish it had made a few more touch downs.

Tomorrow is our official start back up north. Although we are only going a few hours and spending Friday night in West Texas. Hoping to make it somewhere to northern New Mexico Sat night and the rest of the way home Sunday. Sunday will probably be a 12 plus hour day. Hopefully the boys will catch up on sleep.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Look who is sitting up now....

A great way to contain/entertain JB...

The other day the boys played baseball with some friends in their yard. B learned how to stop a ground ball and then tried to teach J. They were so exhausted J fell asleep at 5pm on the way out to dinner. I carried him into the restaurant asleep, put him in my lap and he slept all the way through dinner. He finally woke up as we were leaving the table.
We also went out recently to a bowling alley, go-carts, etc with the boys and my dad. It sure was fun having B old enough to ride bumper cars. A friend also gave him a card making kit. He has had so much fun making cards for friends. He definitely has a creative/artistic streak. Hopefully he will have a bent for drawing like his dad.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Sunday, March 14, 2010


The rain has stopped. The wind has died down. The weather the last two days has finally warmed up to bring out the shorts. It is always a great thing when I get out in the sun and my freckles start appearing. Now B has no excuses to stay in front of the tv.
We recently went to the Fort Worth Stockyards to watch the longhorn cattle drive and go to their weekly rodeo. The boys really enjoyed the rodeo. It was only a few events (barrel racing, calf roping, and bull riding) but it was just enough for them. Half way through the rodeo they had a mutten bustin (or whatever it was called) where the kids go out in the arena and try to grab a ribbon off of a sheep. There was only 1 sheep though and about 15 kids. The sheep ran the length of the arena and then stopped at the other end. Of course B was not the fastest, but sure had fun getting out there. J was not interested, although he asked all evening when the sheep were coming but refused to go out there when it was time.
This past weekend the boys went to their first theatrical play, Your a Good Man Charlie Brown (and we had a great visit with my aunt, uncle and cousin). Did not know how J would do sitting through it being quiet, but he was great until the last 10 minutes. It was one snippet after another. B enjoyed Snoopy the best and all of his antics. After the play the kids were invited to make a kite and fly it outside with the cast. They really liked this and learned just what it takes to fly a kite, besides wind. It was neat because the play was a part of a program that I participated in as a 7 year old in my Aunt's town. So, 30 some odd years I am headed back there to take my kids. I sure wish there was a good theatre program back home. I am confident that B could be a thespian. A traveling theatre group is putting on a performance at B's school the week we get back - (they do it once a year). I am curious to see if B will try out for the play (Princess and the Pea). Rehearsals are for 4 days and then the performance is that weekend. Either way, he has now been introduced to the world of theatre.
We have put more than 2300 miles on the van and have loved every mile of it. Okay, not every mile of it. Driving in Dallas is the pits. I never understood when I was younger and would be in the backseat making noise. I would be told to be quiet so the driver could drive. I always thought, don't you use your eyes to drive and not your ears, so why does my noise level affect anyone's ability to drive. I get it, particularly when 2 are arguing and one is screaming and I am trying to read exit signs that are coming at my in quick succession on a 8 lane highway with traffic. On more than one occasion I have had to turn around because I was not going to try a last second lane change. I am so thankful to live in a state that has a lot fewer people than Texas and no toll roads!
I always forget, until I come back down south about the money here. I am amazed at some (not all by any means) of the churches and how grandious they are. I often wonder how so much money can be spent on a building and it's furnishings. (I know it is God's temple and it is where you go to worship and just like the temple Solomon built was very costly, but ....) Then to drive by some of the newer schools and see the nice football stadiums, etc. I won't even mention the billion dollar something Cowboy Football Stadium. It just blows my mind. Texans sure do love their football.
The rest of the trip hopefully will be nothing but getting out and enjoying the sun. Saturday I will be getting together with my 13 first cousins on my dad's side. I don't think we have all been together in at least 10 years. Should be a lot of fun. Then that afternoon we will start the long trek back. Hopefully I can get pictures posted sometime between now and then!
Off to snuggle with little JB. The last couple of nights, due to sleeping arrangements, he has slept with me. I think he is getting use to it and I can't say that I really mind right now!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Lots of sun and wind

Lots of sun, wind and rain....but no coats! Yeah.

We have been in Texas for a week now and will be here another 10 days or so. We spent the first 4 days in the Dallas Fort Worth area with my mom. The boys did a lot of playing outside and going down to the lake. They loved feeding the ducks and birds. It was amazing how quickly the birds flocked. We started with just one bird and within about 90 seconds we had probably close to 75. The boys could not believe how quickly others came. J and JB loved going for rides in the wagon (mom pulling of course) and B riding along in a battery operated car. B is also loving all the 'gaming' he is getting to do since he does not have xbox, sega, etc at home. Got to spend some time with an out of state friend while I left the kids with my mom. Caught up with some old post-college friends and did lots of reminiscing.

The next 4 days are being spent in Abilene with my dad. The boys have been running all over the place visiting various city parks. It is obvious we have been cooped up back home because I have never seen B expend so much energy. They have a 3 wheeled bike with a basket on the back. J has enjoyed riding in the back and I put JB in the front carrier I have. JB loves the wind blowing in his face and I get quite the work out. The boys and I met my oldest friend (a life long friend I have literally known since day one) and her son who is B's age. They got along so good and did not want to leave when it was over. You know they are tired when they go to bed at 7:15 without a fight.

Will head back to the DFW area on Friday.

I forgot the weirdest part of our trip down. We were somewhere in the panhandle of Texas and it had just gotten dark. We crested a hill and saw close to 100 red lights all blinking at the same time, in perfect unison, all the way across the horizon. We wondered for many miles on a desolate stretch of road. As we got closer to what seemed like something out of a sci-fi movie, my hunch was correct. A huge wind farm (or whatever they are called) with wind turbines. I wish it had been daylight so the boys could have seen them up close. It was pretty freaky seeing the shadows of them as we drove by.

Saturday, March 6, 2010


We arrived safely. It was quite the long trip but the boys did absolutely awesome. My biggest concern was JB but I honestly don't think he cried once in 3 days!
Twice we saw the moon come up and it was gorgeous. A huge orange full moon on the horizon. Made it a little easier to watch out for deer on the road. It was interstate about half the way and 2-4 lane highways the rest of the way. We stopped in Denver for 3 hours and visited with an old college roommate. It was neat to catch up with her. She has 4 kids, 3 of which are boys aged 11, 13 and 14. Although mine are not quite that close in age, I pictured myself exactly where she is in 10 years.
On the way down the boys learned about feed lots (there are some thing/smells you just forget until you are thrown back into them), saw cotton fields, watched geese flying and all the cool formations they make, saw a random field with lots and lots of camels and the boys learned about some of my favorite places to eat. Everytime I come back to Texas I get excited when I see Sonic, Chick-Fil-A, Long John Silvers Braums and many others. I found it interesting that there were some small towns where Dairy Queens had shut down, once a staple in any small town (they have even been called a Texas Stop Sign). A sign of the economy or a sign of something else taking it's place - Sonic. Saw a Sonic in every town.
I created Mom time in the car. When the older two would start getting whiny, I would turn the radio speakers up front, turn up some of my favorite music and tell them Mom could not hear them for a while.
One of the first rest areas we stopped at, the boys got out and ran around and threw the football while I got dinner ready. I had been keeping an eye on the restrooms because B enjoys his independence of being old enough to go into restrooms by himself. He asked to go in there and no one had been coming or going so I said yes. J followed suit. A minute later J comes running over to and says "there is a strange man talking to B." J was not overly concerned but my mom alert went up. I high tailed it over there and B was walking out just the time I got there. I started asking if he was talking with someone, etc and got a no to all of my answers. When it was time to leave, I headed to the restroom and told the boys to stand just inside the doorway. It was then I found out that in the bathrooms they have a recording of a man talking about weather info etc. This is what J had heard earlier.
When we did stop, I would put JB on the floor of the van (one of the seats out of the van) and lock the doors. He had just enough room to roll around and play with his toys and get his exercise while we got our exercise outside.
The last motel we stayed at had a sign that said "No refunds after 15 minutes of checking in." Made me nervous as to what one would discover after having been in a room 15 minutes but we all slept fine and other than one of those unidentifiable odors that I eventually noticed, all was well.