Sunday, March 28, 2010


We have gotten out and raked the yard and guess what, starting to see some green grass. I know we need the moisture, but sure would be nice if we did not get any more snow for 8 months. Last night as I went to bed at 9:30 the temp was 51. That is amazing for late March.
The t-ball meeting with B went well. I felt bad because all the boys got put together to throw the ball. B obviously was matched up with a kid that had played quite a bit of ball. B would wildly throw to him and all the kid did was run around the gym floor trying to get the balls. I think that kid's dad was getting frustrated for his kid. Later I saw the kid throwing with his dad and he did not miss one ball that was thrown to him and he always threw everything right to his dad. So, yesterday I got outside with B and started throwing the ball. The first ball I threw him he got scared and turned around and it hit him right on top of the head. He has learned do not turn your back on the ball. Then later he was not paying attention and I threw the ball and he moved his glove and the ball landed on his toe - yes, my kids love being barefoot. We have a long way to come but he did end up catching about half of what I threw him.
Before our trip I was doing really well with JB's food. It seems like every other day now he gets really red cheeks - often times just after eating food. (I don't really recall red cheeks in Texas.) I know that teething can cause this but I guess I am back to one food at a time. The only thing I know he can handle is bananas, green beans and peas. (Take that back, I just fed him bananas and he almost instantly got red cheeks.) I think carrots, applesauce, squash and peaches bother him. Uuuggghhh. I made some homemade squash and zucchini the other day (he seemed to tolerate zucchini farely well). I just could not bring myself to puree peas and green beans though.
JB can now go from a laying down position to sitting up. He loves his new found freedom. Whenver I catch him in another part of the room, he just looks at me and laughs.
Off to supervise showers and hopefully have some peace and quiet in another 45 minutes or so.

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