Thursday, April 1, 2010


J has totally gotten into the Lincoln Logs this week. I am amazed at what he can build and his creativity. This is the tall tower I helped him with. He got about half of it done and then I sat down to help. When I started I was laughing at him because he had put all of the really small logs inside the tower. I told him he was a goober. As I started building, I then realized the amazing support they provided so followed suit for the rest of the project. I think we used every 2 notched log we had (time to find some more this summer at garage sales).

He has also discovered that he can do a flip on the rings in the playroom. It is so neat to see the differences between B and J and to think they came from the same stuff, yet so unique. That is God for fun would it be if we were all the same. Taking the very same DNA from 2 people and creating 2 drastically different, yet so similar kids.
I was watching (trying to organize) a bunch of video clips on the computer. I came across a lot from when J was 20 months and not talking. Not saying a word. Still so thankful that we got hooked up with speech therapy as early as we did. How his booming little voice just fills up our lives.

We discovered a tooth today for this little guy!

His cheeks are still red and with the tooth, thinking that had to be the cause. The poor kid has had nothing but zucchini and bananas mixed with rice cereal the last couple of days. He loves his new freedom now. He is getting around pretty well and wastes no time exploring everything that has been off limits.

B and J will start swimming lessons next week. B has taken them before but really needs a refresher before we travel this summer and are around the pool a lot. We are even looking into getting a family swim pass at the local swim center in the hopes of getting them in the water at least once a month.
The t-ball teams have been picked and B is anxiously awaiting the start of practices - hopefully within the next week or so.

I have been working on another t-shirt quilt. This one is proving to by much more difficult, but hopefully when it is all together you won't notice all the mismatched corners, etc. I registered today for the bone marrow registry. How cool would it be if I were able some day to save a life. While in town today I saw a bumper sticker that said "We have so much intelligence, we can't afford education". (Sadly, how true) Another thing that just made me laugh, I saw a for sale sign in front of the cemetery. Just never thought about anyone selling cemeteries. Now that the health care reform bill passed, we found out our insurance is going up
20%. I don't know that they are related but can't help but think they could be.

Looks like we are in store for a wet and very cool Easter weekend. Celebrating the death of Christ on the cross. Have enjoyed getting our Resurrection Eggs out with the boys. J is now old enough to really start getting in on the action.

1 comment:

kerry said...

Your boys are just so beautiful. I'm not just saying that either. They are all model material! Maybe they can start making some money for your family, start earning their keep!