Thursday, April 8, 2010


It is 7:15 and guess where the two oldest are....asleep!! Yippee. I have left JB with JR tonight so I am gonna hit the bathtub and then read a book in bed - hopefully.
Swim lessons went better today. B is now diving down and retrieving things from the bottom of the pool. It always facinates me the different techniques that people have with swimming. The instructor was talking to me today about things to do, particularly with J. She said that often when a parent gets in the water with a child, they will carry them around and hold them tight. She said that you should hold them at arms length and very gently and loosely hold them under the armpits and have them keep their arms straight out. When a parent allows a child to cling in the water it sends the message that they should be scared. She is all about teaching them to learn to float and feel the bouyancy of the water. So, as B would glide across the top of the water and then start to go down for the torpedo, she would gently push his back until his stomach was almost on the bottom of the pool. She would also discourage him from kicking off the bottom of the pool to come back up so that he would again, feel the bouyancy (is that a word). He did awesome and repeated this many times. With J she is trying to get him to reach out into the water so as to break the habit of drawing everything in (arms and legs). Again, a technique that people use when scared. He was pretty clingy and cried a few times in the pool so the instructor and I have a new plan for next Tuesday.
My dental appointment...I have now had 2 different dentist tell me within the last year that my teeth look great but my gums are receeding (not the word they used but I can't remember what it was). They have both inquired about my toothbrush. I have been using an electric toothbrush the last year or so and seems that it is wearing down my gums, which do not heal themselves. (One tooth actually almost has the root exposed) So, time to get rid of the Oral B and the one they have both recommended is the Sonicare. Not sure how it works actually but a manual and regular electric seem to cause too much friction. I certainly did not think I was brushing too aggressively.
Off to have a nice quiet evening!

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