Wednesday, April 7, 2010


The boys started swimming lessons yesterday. We will go Tues and Thursday for the next 5 weeks. It did not take B long to get back into the swing of things. Before the short lesson, he was floating face down in the water for over 10 seconds. J did not take to it as well as I had thought. He was tired, even though it was 9am, and kept wanting to stay with me. Will have to figure out a way to watch from a far. It was loud inside the hot springs so the noise just lulled JB to sleep.
J has learned how to gargle and is very proud of himself and boy, is he good. I am not sure why, but he gargles as well as I do. Maybe because his voice is often times very gutteral. He has also gotten into singing songs like Ol McDonald, ABC and some songs off his Kids Sing Praise video.
B has discovered Bible Man all over again. It is amazing, again, how much he picks up and all the scripture in the videos. We have had some great examples of how to use scripture for situaitons you are going through. Sure is hard to say no when the kids want to watch videos that are helping them learn scripture.
For the first time ever, I went over my alloted cellphone minutes (not by much though - but it still bothered me). A little confused as to how that happened since I normally don't get anywhere close to my allotted minutes, I call the phone company. Comes to find out, and I never knew this, it costs me minutes to call and check my voicemail. Now I think that is just stupid. So, now when I am on vacation and talking to JR for more than 2 minutes at a time, I need to either check my voice mail from a land line or check them after peak hours. However, if I call my cell from a landline and it goes to voice mail, does that not count at a minute?? As I was talking to the guy on the phone, he inquired about our cable. I told him we did not have cable. He said you have just the basic. I said no, we have rabbit years. He laughed and said those still work. I told him yes and I was not interested in any more channels in our home because they will only cause a lot of grief. He tried to get me to upgrade my cell phone and told him no. He was shocked to find out that I don't text. Maybe someday I will be a more hip mom but for now, why do I need more distractions.
The other day I discovered the reduced produce section at the grocery store. I bought some stuff and brought it home to make babyfood for JB. I was so proud of myself when I went back a few days later and bought some more. I picked up a spaghetti squash and zucchini. I got home and mindlessly started peeling and cutting the zucchini. I was about 2 mintues away from being done when I realized that the zucchini was actually cuccumbers. Guess I need to either spend more time in the produce section, specifically vegetable section, or be more observant and aware when I am working with a knife.
I have started back up with Bible Study Fellowship. Although they only have a few weeks left of the John study, I will be all registered and ready to go when the new study Isaiah starts in the fall. Will be nice that J and JB can go now and that J is learing the same stuff I am.
Off to the dentist...which by the way. JR has been going to a dentist in town that is high tech and all that, whatever that means. Their whole approach to dental care is more natural, etc. I made him the very first appt because they came highly recommended and I thought they took our insurance. Turns out they don't but they were able to help JR tremendously with some very long standing problems, plus JR really like the office. Well, JR went back for his last cleaning, in a set of 3, and came home with an estimate to get some dental work done. 1 filling and 2 cavities and any idea what the estimate was for???? $1700!!! I asked JR about it and he said because they use gold for the filling. I still don't get it but time to get his next appt at the new dentist I am trying out.
The whole reason I sat down to write this was to post the latest family photo. I have found that if we set the camera to self timer and for it to take 10 continous shots, we almost always have atleast one good one, with all eyes open and looking somewhat at the camera.


kerry said...

What an Awesome picture! ANd you did it yourselves! That's even better. I came across your blog again going through my bookmarks. I will keep an eye on it for now on. Miss you guys.. Hope to see you this summer.

Beth said...

I get annoyed that Verizon charges minutes for voicemail too. SILLY! Often I just call people back before I check their messages! I love the pic, that is one cute western family!!!