Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Took B to the dentist recently for a cleaning. This is the second dentist that has told me they are a little 'concerned' about his teeth and the crowding with his baby teeth. Not sure what that means when the adult teeth start coming in but sounds like we could have a road ahead of us with that guy and his teeth. If he takes after me, it will be orthodontics and a few other things.....
I think I have finally hit the wall with stuff in this house. I have pulled all the clothes out of the boys room. They now have 5 shirts and 5 shorts/pants. That is it. I have no idea when I will pull/rotate other stuff out, but I am tired of their room and they are only 5! Guess this will mean I will have to do laundry more frequently, or better yet, teach at least B what it takes to run the washing machine. How in the world do you teach responsibility to kids. Whether it is clothes, library books, games, toys, baseball mitts, etc....I just can't get it down. I still have yet to find any reward or punishment that seems to motivate beyond the first hour or two. Yesterday both boys ended up in their room for most of the afternoon. They whined the first 15 minutes but then no big deal and did not really seem to phase them. Of course I am sure the key to teaching them responsibility is the one word I hate hearing...consistency.
JB is now standing up in his crib and loves reaching out to see what he can grab.
J is going through a stage where he is either very loving, hugging and telling us he loves us or screaming about how 'ug-a-ly' we are treating him (this is of course said as he is being sent to his room). I just crack up when I hear him say ugly that way. So cute.
JR went winter camping/bear hunting this past Friday/Saturday. He had a great time, although he did not see any bears (lots of other things though).
B has had 3 t-ball games now. They are slowing starting to get the hang of running into the field with gloves and coming back in to bat. The first two games I helped with the batting order and getting kids ready. It was a challenge. This last game one of the players' older sister helped out and she ran a very tight ship. I am not sure how she got them all to sit quietly and fall into place when they needed to, but she was great.
I am going this week to purge and purge. I have started reading a new book and I am hitting the ground running. My project is my closet and to get rid of all the stuff I like but don't wear. I am afraid I won't have much left when I am done.......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No pictures?
