Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Red Sox and Yankees

Last night was the first t-ball game. Fortunately the game is set up so that each team bats through their entire batting order (one complete inning). The game is suppose to last 3 innings or one hour, whichever comes first (we got through 2 innings). The Yankees were obviously a much more advanced team, with about half of their players swinging at real pitches, instead of the ball on the t-ball stand. They would have proven the winners but the Red Sox did had fun. B had a very difficult time staying in his 'corner' of the field. He played the position to the left of the pitcher or basically half way between home and short stop. I can't count the number of times he would run over between 1st and 2nd to get a ball. The coach would just laugh and walk him back to his area. There were several times where all the boys piled up on top of each other in the infield trying to get the ball. They thought it was way more cool to dog pile than to throw a runner out at first base.

Sunday was the end of the Screen Free week. The boys did very well and honestly, did not miss it much. It helped that it was a very nice week and we got outside a lot. Several local businesses were offering incentives/rewards for kids. So on Sunday we went to free family swim at the swim center. A really nice pool but it is 84 degrees. Took me about half an hour to finally warm up in the water. B was not too keen on swimming though. He preferred to play on the floats. J put on a life jacket and would jump off the side of the pool and go down the slide. JB slept through it all.
We also went to a local climbing wall. JR, B and J were the only ones to climb. The boys enjoyed it but there were a lot of people, so did not get much climbing done, atleast not on the easier walls. Here is a picture of JR at the top of one wall - he is on the left.

Would love to go back sometime without all the kids and chaos. What a great workout.
More swimming lessons this week, T-ball on Wed and opening baseball ceremony and t-ball game on Sat, if the weather holds.

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