Sunday, March 14, 2010


The rain has stopped. The wind has died down. The weather the last two days has finally warmed up to bring out the shorts. It is always a great thing when I get out in the sun and my freckles start appearing. Now B has no excuses to stay in front of the tv.
We recently went to the Fort Worth Stockyards to watch the longhorn cattle drive and go to their weekly rodeo. The boys really enjoyed the rodeo. It was only a few events (barrel racing, calf roping, and bull riding) but it was just enough for them. Half way through the rodeo they had a mutten bustin (or whatever it was called) where the kids go out in the arena and try to grab a ribbon off of a sheep. There was only 1 sheep though and about 15 kids. The sheep ran the length of the arena and then stopped at the other end. Of course B was not the fastest, but sure had fun getting out there. J was not interested, although he asked all evening when the sheep were coming but refused to go out there when it was time.
This past weekend the boys went to their first theatrical play, Your a Good Man Charlie Brown (and we had a great visit with my aunt, uncle and cousin). Did not know how J would do sitting through it being quiet, but he was great until the last 10 minutes. It was one snippet after another. B enjoyed Snoopy the best and all of his antics. After the play the kids were invited to make a kite and fly it outside with the cast. They really liked this and learned just what it takes to fly a kite, besides wind. It was neat because the play was a part of a program that I participated in as a 7 year old in my Aunt's town. So, 30 some odd years I am headed back there to take my kids. I sure wish there was a good theatre program back home. I am confident that B could be a thespian. A traveling theatre group is putting on a performance at B's school the week we get back - (they do it once a year). I am curious to see if B will try out for the play (Princess and the Pea). Rehearsals are for 4 days and then the performance is that weekend. Either way, he has now been introduced to the world of theatre.
We have put more than 2300 miles on the van and have loved every mile of it. Okay, not every mile of it. Driving in Dallas is the pits. I never understood when I was younger and would be in the backseat making noise. I would be told to be quiet so the driver could drive. I always thought, don't you use your eyes to drive and not your ears, so why does my noise level affect anyone's ability to drive. I get it, particularly when 2 are arguing and one is screaming and I am trying to read exit signs that are coming at my in quick succession on a 8 lane highway with traffic. On more than one occasion I have had to turn around because I was not going to try a last second lane change. I am so thankful to live in a state that has a lot fewer people than Texas and no toll roads!
I always forget, until I come back down south about the money here. I am amazed at some (not all by any means) of the churches and how grandious they are. I often wonder how so much money can be spent on a building and it's furnishings. (I know it is God's temple and it is where you go to worship and just like the temple Solomon built was very costly, but ....) Then to drive by some of the newer schools and see the nice football stadiums, etc. I won't even mention the billion dollar something Cowboy Football Stadium. It just blows my mind. Texans sure do love their football.
The rest of the trip hopefully will be nothing but getting out and enjoying the sun. Saturday I will be getting together with my 13 first cousins on my dad's side. I don't think we have all been together in at least 10 years. Should be a lot of fun. Then that afternoon we will start the long trek back. Hopefully I can get pictures posted sometime between now and then!
Off to snuggle with little JB. The last couple of nights, due to sleeping arrangements, he has slept with me. I think he is getting use to it and I can't say that I really mind right now!

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