Wednesday, February 4, 2009


More beautiful weather. I was actually outside in shorts today and it was nice. Low 50s with great sun and no wind. Oh for those days to be here to stay for several months.
Having J in 'underwear' has not been too bad. Yesterday I got him to the bathroom as he was in the middle of a poop, so he finally made the connection. Then today I randomly put him on the potty and he pooped. He is so proud of himself. Normally the poop is the last thing to click with the kids but maybe he will be backwards. After all, those are the messy ones. I am able to keep up with the washing of the underwear. All of this is a trial run for possibly cloth diapers. I know it sounds horrid but if you have not checked out cloth diapers in the last 10 years, they are amazingly simple. We will see. I definately want J out of diapers by the time the next one arrives and hopefully we are moving in the right direction.
Sure is nice having JR around the house this week. An extra set of hands sure makes things easier! Sounds like though a little work is lining up so hopefully for his sanity he will get some hours in next week.

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