Friday, January 30, 2009

Be still

A quiet week. JR did not work Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday. The funny thing, he is starting to really get the staying at home with the kids thing and how it is not as 'easy' as it may appear. He cracked me up because he is like, "I don't know how you do it, all I do is eat." To which I smiled!
B is still trying to figure out his language skills and when to use what phrases. I often tell him 'don't talk to me like that' and if I had a dollar for everytime he has said that back to me. The other day though I had to laugh, he said "don't talk to me like that because I am going poopy". I wanted to say "so, how should I talk to you when you are going poopy" but refrained.
Another quiet weekend planned. We might head to some friends house for the Super Bowl. I tried to explain to B how we could not really have a Super Bowl party at our house because no one would enjoy watching the game on an 18 inch tv!
J has not really made any 'potty progress' but he is slowly becoming aware of things and I am just waiting for the time when we get him on the potty at the right time and he goes.
The other day I had an hour without kids and went to a local coffee shop. I was amazed while watching others. (I took a few books along to read). Everyone had their laptops, cell phones, etc just working away. Just seems that people don't know how to just sit and be still. That is something I have been convicted of lately and am trying hard to just be still, not always feeling like I have to be doing something. Maybe the Sabbaths will help with this.

1 comment:

The Sullys said...


I have been trying to "Be Still" also. It is wonderful to have some actual quiet time... No TV, Computer, Music... just you God.