Saturday, January 3, 2009


Hard to believe 2009 is here. I was fast asleep when it rolled in. I was actually asleep around 9:30 that night and don't even recall hearing fireworks.
On the first we all went sledding. Some friends make it an annual tradition to have a sledding party at one of the local hills. They bring the grill and everyone brings meat. B had a ball! Anything that involves older kids he so enjoys. J was not quite sure what to make of it. And the best part, B was totally exhausted after walking up that hill many times.
I have decided that J is my little problem solver. So, I take away his chairs and barstools. No problem, he just finds the closest trash can, dumps it out regardless of contents and turns it over to stand on. At the moment he is so proud of himself, he just discovered where I had his little chairs hidden. So he pulled everything out of the laundry room to get back to them. It is quiet, I will go check on him....He was into the dental floss, trying to floss and trying to get his sleeves pushed up so he can put on the deodorant he found. (Fortunately he is not able to get the top off). Time for a new hiding spot for the chairs.
B is my negotiator. Some friends were over the other day and got a kick out of him. Anytime he would ask me something and I told him 'no', it was never 'why' but always 'when'. I can't wait until J can start talking and to watch the two of them converse. It will be harder and harder to stay one step ahead of them.
I have had problems with the other website I used to upload slideshows so will try again. Here are photos from Christmas and sledding.
I can't figure out how to imbed it, so try following or copying and pasting this link.

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