Thursday, January 15, 2009

Mid January

(If you are looking for the 'special' blog, read the previous day)
It is mid January, 2:30 in the afternoon and I just turned off the heat, opened up all the windows and turned on ceiling fans to get some fresh air in the house. I think we are at least mid 50s. The boys are in the back (which is shaded) with no coat or gloves shoveling snow!!! Not sure what impact this will have in the summer and our fires, but it sure is nice now.
Yesterday the boys and I got stuck in an elevator. (Not as tramatic as it sounds...). The elevator never left the floor but would not move and the door was about an inch cracked. One of our pastors was able to open the other door and jimmy the inner door opened. We were in there probably 3-4 minutes but long enough for B to start getting really scared. I can only imagine what it would be like for an hour or so.
The other night I had just crawled into bed and the smoke alarm went off. Freaked me out. Turned out JR had just gotten out of the shower and the steam from the shower set it off. That is a first after 2 years of living here.
Still feeling good!

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