Monday, August 13, 2012

Jbird had a pretty good weekend. He is now asking for his medicine - yea! One of my most precious memories from his surgery was on Friday, I believe, we were hanging at home. The boys were just getting going and it was nice and cool out. I wanted to go for a walk. I asked Jbird if he wanted to go and he said yes. I got the stroller out and we made a 5 minute lap. He said he wanted to keep going, so we did...and we did...and we did. I think we made 5 laps. Not really talking, just both enjoying being outside. It was teh perfect temperature with a slight breeze.  Probably the last time I will ever push him in a stroller again.

His snoring has stopped and his voice is not so nasal. He actually is a little more soft spoken with a slight slur due to the pain. At times I have a hard time understanding him. I have heard, probably 8 times today, "mom - didn't I ask you something a while ago."

The boys have been wanting me to sleep in their room the last couple of nights. Coming from an 8 year old, I jump at that.  Last night the three boys and I were all in a full size bed...not the most comfortable thing.

I recently helped put together the local soccer teams for the fall season. We were one coach short for K-1st grade. I found a gal that has lots of experience playing but needs a committed asst. coach since she has a baby. So, I am donning a new hat this fall and going to be an asst. soccer coach. Maybe by the time JB turns 5, I will feel totally equipped to be THE coach for his team. Should be lots of fun.

Last week I took the boys to a dollar store. They think it is the greatest. We were buying a few things for a friends' birthday, just odds and ends. JB decided that it was his birthday, so he would find something, put it in his arms and say 'me buthday'. He probably had 5 or 6 things that he struggled to carry but was determined to make it out of the store with everything.  Then his brothers kept wanting this or that for their brother's birthday. We left that dollar store with about 4 times the stuff we went in there for.

We recently discovered some batting cages. Had to take the boys. They enjoyed it a lot! Once B got the swing, literally, of it, he did well. Jbird started out 3 for 3. JB was just hilarious...that little head rolling around in that huge ol' helmet.

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