Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Thanksgiving was a wonderful time.  We spent the better part of the day with some friends and all of their extended families.  The boys had a blast playing with other kids, I enjoyed lots of card playing and Jose enjoyed swapping hunting stories.

 The new principal at the elementary school is focusing on reading with the kids.  They recently held a Camp Read Alot where the whole day was spent either reading in the classroom or in the gym, which was converted into a campground.  There were tent set up everywhere, trees on the walls, fake firepit, etc.  I went up to read with the boys' classes.  Joseph's teacher snapped this picture of us.

Benjamin worked this past week with Connie ~ he was educated on splitting and stacking firewood.  He seems to be enjoying the work and the money.

A recent trip to the dentist for the boys.  Two of them were cavity free!

I brought some cereal home today and the boys were so excited ~ we have not had cereal in a while.  Anyway, it is a cereal with small pieces and they tend to make a huge mess with it because the older two refuse to put milk in it.  I told them they had to put at least a table spoon of milk in the cereal.  Lo and behold, they were actually surprised how good it was.  I have worked years for my boys to put milk in their cereal!  We are family of five and since none of us drink milk, a half gallon can go bad in our fridge.

Today I accidently left a bedroom door open.  Bree got in there.  I have small teacher gifts lined up on the floor.  She managed to sniff out the 3 that had food stuff in them.  She ate 24 Hershey kisses and 3 packs of gum.  Wrappers and all!  So far it does not seem that she is having any side effects.  I feel like I am becoming the lazy dog owner.  Although I take her to the dog park several times a week to run and run and run and play and play and play with other dogs and walk her in the field, she still has energy.  I have upped the mileage I run her with the car.  Today she ran 3.3 miles and maintained about 12 mph the entire time.

I have pictures on my phone that I am not able to get off the phone!  UGH.  One day I will be posting lots of pictures!

1 comment:

Shannon 2 said...

Sorry I missed you while you're in Austin. I'll see you in the air on our way to heaven.