Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I hear my words

J's chicken pox are getting better. He still has never seemed bothered by them. They seem to be healing pretty quickly. I will keep him home another 2 days.
Tomorrow night I have free tickets to go see the Sesame Street Live Show with Elmo. I am taking Benjamin and I have not told him yet. I just hope he will be a more willing participant than he was when we went to see Veggie Tales (at that show he hid under the pew on the floor for the whole first half!).

Two conversations I had with B today:

"Get in here and put your clothes away the right way." (He had stuffed everything into one drawer so it was all hanging out.)
About 30 mimutes later he walks out of his room.
"I put all my clothes away, Mom"
"Did you put them away correctly"
"Are you sure?" I say
"Yes, just don't look in the bottom drawer"
"Why not?"
"Just don't. You won't like it"
Ratting himself out again - will I be fortunate enough for this to continue??

Later in the day, he sees an empty candy wrapper on the microwave
"Mom, who left this empty wrapper here"
I look at him with guilt on my face
"Mom, did you leave this here"
I sort of smile and nod.
"Why didn't you throw this away. You know you are not suppose to leave your candy wrappers laying around the house. You need to get over here and throw this away right now. Now you better do it, right now! I said right now."

My little tape recorder. I think I need to rethink how I ask things of him, cause I could totally hear myself telling him that - because I say those things to him all the time! That one keeps me on my toes! He has gotten to where when he asks us to do something and we say 'just a minute', he will wait but when he asks a second time it is always "Dad, I have asked you twice to come up stairs. Now you need to come upstairs right now". It is never a disrespectful thing cause his attitude is right. He is just learning how the communication thing goes. So, on one hand I have a 4 year old that speaks as a 12 year old and I have another one that won't speak at all! Oh, I can only imagine the conversations the two of them will have when J does start talking!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your blog and it's a treat to hear what is going on in you and your family's life.
Love ya,