Tuesday, November 4, 2008


JR has gotten his first buck of the season. Nice big body, small 3x3 rack. It is currently hanging in the garage and it will make it's way to our kitchen probably tonight! Not my most favorite but at least it is meat for the freezer and we have disinfectant. He will also be voting for the first time in his life this evening. Interesting to see what he thinks of it all. I have tried to tell him it is not just the presidential election, but other local elections and issues. I don't know that he is very prepared for the other stuff.
We did go see the movie Fireproof. If you did not receive an email from me about it, it is worth the time and money. Just a phenomenal message, very good, clean movie. Two action scenes, quite a few bust out laughing scenes, just a very good all-around movie. One that we need to support and send a message to Hollywood that good family movies will be supported. Kirk Cameron did not even receive a salary for his leading role (however, the film company made a contribution to the camp him and his wife run). Another interesting note about the movie, there is one scene where Kirk kisses his on screen wife. He has made a commitment not to kiss anyone but his actual wife, so they flew his wife in just for this one shot and she was the stand in. Way to go Kirk, standing up for your values! I will get off my Fireproof soap box. Go check it out. It will be the first 'non kid' movie I have purchased in probably over 5 years.
Dad says it is just about time for another haircut, what do you think?

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