Monday, November 24, 2008

Thanksgiving week

Hard to believe it is here! We are gonna stay home and one of JR's co-workers will come join us. They are thinking they might go hunting in the morning, so looks like it will be the boys an I for the Macy's parade.
More B stories - The other day I put J in his room because he was throwing a fit. He settled down and got quiet. A little bit later B opened his door and said "Now, J, do you have a better attitude? You just shake your head yes before you come out of the room. You have to have a better attitude before you come out"
Last night we were driving home and B said "hey dad, what is that blue jellyfish thing?" We were both perplexed and he said "that blue jellyfish thing up there". I realized what he was talking about and just cracked up. He had seen the 'high beam' headlight indicator on the dashboard of the car. I think he has seen a picture of a jellyfish once or twice. And he was right, it did look like a jellyfish swimming through the water.
J, on the other hand, might get him checked out for some sensory processing stuff. Maybe after the holidays can have the occupational therapist observe him. Not anything major but could explain some things. I noticed the other day they were playing in the backyard. It had snowed and there was that ice/snow pack on the patio. J was out there barefoot and was not the least bit bothered by it. He had been out there 2-3 minutes! Not sure if it is related, but made me think twice about it.
B and I are scheming a fun post tomorrow. Hopefully it will pan out and you all can check back!

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