Monday, November 17, 2008


Yesterday the boys got into it over a water bottle. Seems J had it first and older brother B wanted it. J kept running from him and B just cried and cried. (B was not feeling good and really tired.) At one point they ended up under my feet while I was cooking in the kitchen. JR was getting very frustrated as the noise level steadily increased. B would run for J, J would shield the bottle and turn his back yelling 'na, na, na'. J would put the bottle on the floor, B would make a move for it, J would grab it and infatically yell 'na, na, na'. All I could do was laugh. He was saying no! I was excited. He appeared to be using it in context too. He has also started (appropriately) shaking his head yes. Maybe he will surprise us all and just be a really late (stubborn) talker.
He will go for his first therapy today, since we missed last week due to the chicken pox.
All day yesterday B was not feeling good and I thought, better not be the chicken pox coming on. He was vaccinated. This morning he has about 5-6 small spots on him. I am definitely going to be watching him throughout the day to see if any more appear. He has school today and I should probably do the responsible parent thing and keep him home until I know for sure.....

1 comment:

CatsPlay said...

Oh the joy! I can just see this all happening! You are so vivid in your description I feel like I am there!