Thursday, November 20, 2008


As you can see, a mild, very mild case of the pox. Praise God. I guess the vaccine he got at 12 months kept him from getting a worse case? The only time he seems to scratch them is when he gets out of the tub and sees them. Otherwise we try to keep them all covered up with footed pajamas. I finally solved the puzzle as to where the boys got the chicken pox from. Remember about a month ago when 3 middle school boys stayed with us while they attended a local conference? Well, I found out this week that they all came down with the chicken pox just after leaving here. Just glad to know how we were exposed.

A conversation with B recently. It went something like this:
"Mom, why do people do bad things?"
"Because there is evil in the world"
"Why is there evil in the world?"
"Because this earth is satan's kingdom"
A slight pause, then
"Mom, now who is satan again?"
"Remember satan was the one in the Garden of Eden that convinced Adam and Eve to do bad. Satan use to be an angel that lived in Heaven with Jesus. But he got kicked out of heaven."
"Why did he get kicked out of heaven?"
"Because he did not like the rules and did not want to obey the rules. He wanted to be just like God, just like he tried to convince Adam and Eve they could be like God by eating the fruit. He got kicked out of heaven and now he is trying to convince others to do bad things here on earth."
Just as quickly as the conversation started, it ended. Nothing like a child to keep you on your toes and always be ready to give an answer. My greatest prayer for my kids is that they will come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and accept him. When I have conversations like this it really encourages my heart. I know he is taking in everything from Children's Church, preschool, family devotions, etc. He is starting to process everything.
The second thing I pray for the boys is for a hedge of protection. The other night JR had put the boys to bed in our bed (which is not the norm). We thought both boys were asleep. B was, but J was not. I had not heard a word from them. Finally, J gave himself away as I heard him on the stairs. The stair light was not on but I could tell he had something all around his mouth. He was acting a little strange and quiet. He kept pointing up to the top of the stairs. I turned to JR and said, "he got into my lip liner earlier today and it looks like he got back into it". I grabbed the camera to get a picture of the aftermath of his make-up drawer raid. JR then grabbed him and headed up the stairs. He walked into the bathroom and then yelled for me. Come to find out, it was not make-up he had gotten into. He had found JR's razor and had managed to cut his tongue twice and his lip. It was blood and not make-up after all. All I could think was this is exactly why I pray for a hedge of protection on both of them. The strange thing is, he never cried. Just appeared he had knicked his tongue and lip and my guess never really knew he had cut himself or was bleeding. Here is the picture I took on the stairs, before I realized what had really happened. You can just see him smiling away like 'look at what I did'.


Elizabeth Wickland said...

How scary!! It's amazing what our kids get into and how God protects them!

CatsPlay said...

I am so glad he's ok!