Friday, November 7, 2008

It is always something

Well, J has the chicken pox. Have no idea where he got them from. None of our friends have them. Fortunately, at least at this point, they are not too bad. He does not itch at all and is not really acting sick. He does have them all over his trunk though and sprinkled on the rest of his body.
I was able to find someone without kids to come watch the boys while I played tennis. I lost, but same old story, should have won. I was quite impressed with how well I moved on the court though. Just wish my timing would come back. Last week when I practiced last I broke a string. I forgot to get my racquet restrung so I played with a back-up racquet. One I have used for more than an hour in the last 20 years (your old Wilson Prostaff Scott). Did not do too bad, but hopefully with my other racquet I can finally score a win in the consolation bracket Sat morning.
A night of cards with the gals...will be a nice break!

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