Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Mid week

JR cooked up some of the backstraps from his buck and they were very good and tender.
B has been exhausted the last couple of days. He has been getting up before 6 the last couple of days and someone just mentioned that the daylight savings time is messing him up. I had never even made the connect. Fortunately J slept in until normal time this morning. It sure makes for a long day when they are both up that early and B does not have a nap.
I play my first tennis match at noon on Friday. Up against the number 2 seed.
J had speech therapy today. I left him (woo hoo - 45 minutes to myself once a week and it is too short of a time to go home and do anything productive - hot chocolate with a book just might become the norm!). When I went back to get him the therapist said she heard a lot more sounds from him than last time. She was able to identify 15 or so different sounds/noises so that was good. She said he 'growled' about 30 times. How do you teach a little boy not to growl. It does seem that since we have found out that he 'has a delay' that he is whining more and we are not encouraging the words like we were. She also said he was pretty stubborn with using some of his sign language until he realized he was not going to get what he wanted until he made the sign. After we left I read through her Evaluation. I did not know whether to laugh or cry when I read the following: "An open mouth posture and drooling were evident during play. Jacob was not aware of his drooling and made no attempt to manage oral secretions or wipe his chin." That sounds so pitiful but the truth. He just drools away and his shirt gets wet, etc. She did mention that he seemed to be drooling a lot more today than her evalutation.
One positive note, last week we all in the car and out of the blue he started making the 't' sound and JR and I both looked at each other and said 'that's new'.
Off to take a hot bath, the days are getting colder and the mountain snow is starting to fall.
Here's 2 pictures of J's attempt to get himself dressed. His shirts turn out to be skirts. Oh, he is also starting to show some interest in the potty. He has several friends that were potty trained before they were two (they are boys), how nice would that be - not that I am holding my breath!

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