Thursday, November 13, 2008

Video of B

Sesame Street Live was a hit. He sat in my lap the first 15 minutes or so and then settled in and joined the show. He is just such a social boy and enjoyed the show most when he could be sitting or dancing next to others his age. Here is a video that JR took that I found. It is about 5 minutes but enjoyed watching B at gymnastics. The video is about 7 months old but amazing to me to see how B has lost his little boy look since then. He is starting to slim down more and his dimples are coming back! A few random shots and J. and I. (As I was downloading this video I went to check on J - he was really quiet. Never a good sign when he carries a chair in to the bathroom and shuts the door behind him.)
I just found out the video never posted...must have been too big a file. Will try at some point to figure out how to cut it and then repost.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So Shoo, what did you find J doing in the bathroom? I cannot get to the video!!! Keep those blogs coming.....I love em

Mory's Mom