Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Random stuff

The boys are suppose to be having a quiet time in their room. Ha! Oh well, at least they are in their room and sounds like they are having fun. Best yet, I get some alone time!
We just drove past the bank today and it said 70 degrees. Now, having 4 ski resorts within an hour of here, 70 degrees mid November is not good! The 10 day forecast calls for cooler weather but not snow. Also puts a damper on the hunting. JR has gotten a buck and then a friend gave us his doe. He will go out 2-3 more times and then call it a season. With no snow, the animals tend to stay pretty high up.
The first day of speech therapy for J went pretty good. She literally sits there and counts the number of different sounds as she interacts with him. She got him to say 'mine' or very close to it pretty consistently. She is hearing more new sounds so that is very good. Maybe he just needed a little outside intervention.
I cut J's hair the other day. It was just such a mop. Looks okay but some of the 'curl' did not come back when I cut it. He looks much cuter with the curls so haircuts every 6 months or so!
(B just came out of the room and told me J bit him on the bottom. Then J comes around the corner with the 'aren't you proud of me mom' smile. Both of my boys have that little grin that just brings a smile to my face. )
One thing I have really noticed lately, when we are out in public, so many people make remarks about J (like they use to with B) and go on and on. Then there is B standing there going "I am four, I am four". People don't even notice B. Sure makes me think twice when I interact with a child in public, to be sure and include the older sibling in my remarks.
One thing I am hoping we can buy in the next 6 weeks or so is a digital camera. I miss so many shots because of our camera. I think it takes one photo every 20 seconds and then sometimes it is tempermental and won't take when it is suppose to. So, that being said, if any of you have a digital camera you like, let me know. I am starting to research them. Honestly, the one quality I am looking for is the rapid shoot. I will never have the time to learn all the ins and outs of a camera but just want something that takes good photos without missing too much action.
Will try to download some video in the next day or so!

1 comment:

CatsPlay said...

I really like my kodak camera :-) It seems to get the job done!