Friday, November 28, 2008


If I ever want to know who is reading my blog, just mention a special post coming tomorrow and see how many people let me know I forgot to post!
We attempted our fun little post but I did not like the end product so we have not been able to redo it yet. I will just keep you all waiting for a bit.
Had a quiet Thanksgiving. One of JR's co-workers joined us. Him and JR went hunting that morning. They went to a new area and they found grizzly tracks and mountain lion tracks. A pretty sure sign you are not gonna see elk or deer. The guys were excited though for the tracks. Mountain lion tracks are somewhat rare (the tracks were probably a day old....)
The boys and I stayed home and watched the Macy's parade. At one point the Uncle Sam balloon came on and B asked who it was. I said that is Uncle Sam. His first response was "oh, that is Yankee Doodle's cousin." I had to sing the song and then I said "close, it is his uncle." The kid does not miss a beat. The other day he said, in it's entirety the Pledge of Allegiance. I have never taught him this so it is obviously something they are learning at preschool. I was really touched by that and maybe I can get him to say it on video sometime.
Today we went out looking for a Christmas tree. Last year, we were unsuccessful, namely because just any tree won't do. Most of what I usually find are Charlie Brown trees. JR got frustrated so last year we cut our hunting short and borrowed an artificial tree. This year though I spotted a little drainage 200 yards off the road. The trees looked full and perfect. I ran up for a peek and I was excited! I called everyone out of the car. No snow on the ground, a short walk and wa-la.
Attached are some photos from yesterday and today!

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